grey matter

38 2 1

"Austin! you've done it again."


"you've made my heart stop in its tracks." Ian said in the gayest and sweetest voice I've ever heard him use.

Austin gave him a puzzled look in the rear view mirror as if I could help him in this situation.

"you're the cutest!" Ian squealed and brushed the tip of Austin's nose with his finger.

Austin recoiled and moved as far against the backseat door as he could. "please stop."

"aw, why?"

I narrowed my eyes at them in the mirror. Ian scooted closer to him and went in for a kiss, I could see the horrified gaze in Austin's eyes. just before Ian could lay his lips on him I slammed on the brake. they both flew forward against the passenger seat, ian cursed at me and returned to his side of the backseat.

"okay, let's keep our hands and feet to ourselves. never thought I'd be saying that to a couple of high schoolers." I sighed and turned around in my seat towards them, left hand still on the wheel.

Austin had his arms crossed in a defence.

"ian, leave him alone." I gave him a stern look. he smirked. "I'm serious. you're clearly making him uncomfortable, he doesn't even know you and this his how you want your first impression to be?"

he laughed, amused by my tone.

"we've talked a few times, but never formally. you don't know what goes on."

"yeah, okay. just stay in your own personal bubble, jackass."

"so when did you turn into Mr. uptight?" Ian sassed.

"shut the fuck up. I don't think Sara would like you doing that either, you homo." I stated and turned back around and continued down the road.

it bothered me that Ian sat right where the blood stains were. didn't he know? did he care?

"Sara who?" Ian scoffed.

"great, what happened?" i asked, as if I really wanted to know.

"well let's just say she didn't agree with me and we decided it wasn't meant to be."

"oh no, sounds tragic." I said sarcastically. "I'm really not surprised, ian you just fucking met her."

"fuck you, grant. you can't even tell anyone about your little girlfriend so I wouldn't be running my mouth if I were you." I squinted in the mirror and caught Ian's diva glance. Austin was staring out the window with a blank face. not saying a word. I wasn't sure if he was listening to us or not.

"I'm not running my mouth I'm just stating facts."

"watch out, better keep your hands and feet to yourself, g." Ian chuckled.


"don't catch a case."

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