the less I know the better

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we were on our way home, it had started raining again. the radio was low, but my mind was buzzing. I only had 3 bottles of beer but I felt like I was swerving all over the road. where was I even going? I turned the radio down to try and focus on the crooked road in front of me.

"should I take you home, or bring you back to my place? I don't want your mom to flip out because I dropped you off at 3 a.m. drunk." i said during the silence and glanced at Katie who had pinned herself against the door, her head on the window and her eyes closed. she looked peaceful except for the drool dripping off from her chin.

I reached over and gently wiped it off with my finger. she didn't move so I assumed she was asleep. nodding my decision, I turned into the next street toward my house.

the pages of my notebook seemed to flip through themselves and stopped on a particular page, a page in which I never wrote on or even read. there were only two words written in purple ink at the top of the page. "collateral beauty" with a heart. I wasn't the one who wrote it of course, I hated purple. the page seemed so untouched, like someone with delicate hands held it. the soul who wrote it was just a cruel memory in my head at this point.

i carried Katie into my room and layed her down on my bed, careful not to wake her. she preferred the side against the wall for whatever reason.

the smell of alcohol was over powering, I almost wanted to cover my nose.

"you better not pee on my bed." I whispered, knowing she wouldn't hear me anyway.

i removed my hoodie and my shorts. I walked over to the light switch and took one last good look at Katie before I turned the light off and was met with darkness. I quietly made my way to the bedside and crawled in next to her.

I slowly pulled the covers over both of us and sighed, getting comfortable.

as I started to drift into slumber I felt a cold little hand on my back. I opened my eyes as she wrapped her arms around me from behind and squeezed me against her. I smiled and closed my eyes again.

heart in the pipesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora