chapt 7: little you hide in seek

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Cils pov

Since its been 2 months of being friends with (y/n) even though... i confessed but... she didnt seemed to take it seruisly so... i made a plan to make a date since its been 2 months... im gonna ask mom and dad for that though...
I walked to mom amd dads office and knockdd just to get greeted by mom... ink but hes my dad but i prefer to call him mom i asked " hey... dad do you think y/n will accept my think not since she didnt took it seriusly since they took the pic...and a-and all b-but-" i was shushed by mom and grabbed me by my hand and yanked me to go inside there i saw father i was nervous so i just stood there dumbfounded till error broke the silence " so... you qanted advised?" I nod as mom just sat at his desk doing his paper works " sigh fine ok so what kind of date she wanted??" I told him as he kept on and on until the last question broke me...
" does she love you?" I think and nod but shook making a face ' idk ' he sighed and decided to let us meet in her (f/r) (favourite restourant)
I thought is its ok if i took of my headband since she kept on saying i look cute when its off and i kept on being friend-zoned by her so wore my only cothing and got ready error gave me a rose and a letter and went to our dorm i knockdd and inhaled exhaled i saw Fifi open the door... " whaaaaaaat????" She has paint all over her and few paper shreds too her eyes were filled with stress she let me in and i saw... THE MOST CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD...(y/n) turned into a CHILD!? Then i made an face saying 'tell-me-what-the-asgore-hell-happened' fifi started explaining.

(Flashback on what happen)

Fifis pov'

So its been two months and im trying to figure out to make the ship sail once more but since its our students and teachers 'month day of'
I made a random potion just to make my chemestry skills improve till y/n scared me and my potion in my hand spilled on her i began to panic " OMG Y/N!!!! NONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!" i beg to myself to her not to work and not to die atleast but...."gwat wappen?fwifwi r wu wokey??" I saw the most cutest thing ever... y/n is a little child!!!!!!! Omg my roommates gonna kill me omg!!! She told me she was bored so... i saw her look at my potions ... she ran up to them and climbed on the table i panic then grabbed her by her sweater "nuuuu!" I giggled " no they are dangerous use your art materials instead..." i then let her go and she ran clumsly to her room with me guiding her while taking her some vids 'omg shes so adorable im not letting anyone toush her...' she then took her art paint amd papers then started drawing till.... SHE GOT BORED AND DECIDED TO SPLASH THE PAINT ON ME WITH RIPPED PAPERS  the paint went allover the livingroom....NUU MY POOR SOFA!!!! I slapped myself mentaly until y/n ran around saying " TRY TWO WATCH ME!!" i translate it to try to cath me saying a clue that i have to play the game of tag... i chased her and until someone knocked and i open the door with stressful eyes " whaaaaat???" Then there...

Cil pov

I look at y/n having my headband on her...OMG SHES SO ADORB!!!!! fifi then picked her up and hugged her in a secured manner making a face ' mine only mine' i then puff my cheeks and snatched y/n forgetting the date i went to my and y/ns room i locked it and put her on the bed " so... while fifi is takig a shower wanna play?" Her eyes sparkle especialy her purple one she said " WIDE WAND SWEEP!" "Hide and seek?" She nodded rapidly but before we play i asked her "are you ok? Do you remember me?" She nod and we started playing she was the hider and i was the seeker... it was hard to find her since of her hieght i checked everywhere and saw no sign of her here i panicked and thought she got out and the teachers will see her!!! Fifi then sense my panic and saw the door open she panic and grabbed my hand to went on the REAL game of hide and seek ( note to that fifi is already dressed)
Until we saw all teachers and students in one crowd we pushed through in seeing y/n announcing " HEYO EVWY WONE IM Y/N! AND CAN WE PWAY HIDE AND SWEEK?" They all squeled yes and bunny and her group grabbed her by the hair and said " who do you think you are lil ass?! Making all poeple fall for you?! Hahaha" she and her group laughed while y/n was about to cry until....she screamed saying " I DONT WANT TO GET HURT!!! SHES A MEANIE!!!" and for that... bunny and her group was thrown onto a wall we saw...


I guess he was VERY pissed seeing a lil girl getting beat up like his brother paps is and also... he didnt have glasses on aaaand...shoot.

Y/n hugged him and thanked him so he putted his glasses on and y/n told every one whose the seeker and by doing that we have to spin the bottle we spun the bottle and it pointed to y/n everyone looked at her she just squeled and some of the people squeled in her cutenes and im one of them
So everyone wemt to hide and once y/n is finsihed counting she teleported to where we are and got founded easily and next on is... me oh gosh... everyone went to hide and i counted so i found everyone except y/n i panic everyone laughed abit i gave them a questioning look and heard a giggle on top of my head y/n then jumped sxared me with her cuteness i screamed "AAAAAAA!!!!" then i fell y/n is ontop on me..."owww..." i groan and held myskull everyone laughed i did the same soon we all went to sleep... i went to bed after i changed into my sleeping clothes and y/n doesnt know how to... i gulped so then fifi came and went to change y/n she told me to look away i blushed while doing that and so we slept until... y/n woke me up she got scared abit but saw my sparkli g hair she was amazed she then asked " c-c-an i...s-sleep with y-you?" I rubbed my eyes and said " sure get in" i made space and she went up the bed and brushed my hair it sparkled more i soon i sang a song

I sang arms by cristina perri

She soon yawned and fell asleep in my arms...i fell asleep soon after saying "i love you ..."

Fifis pov

After those changing and singign i went in to see whats goin on so i saw the most...amzing ....SHIP IVE EVER SEEN!!!! i took a snap using swiftys camera and yes im his girlfriend after we have a month thinking about it and we both love photography and agreed to take shots of couples and semd it to our ship almbum and soon went to sleep with cray...

The end thanks for reading guys and hope ya like it cuz ur a child now boi!

Fifi signing out~

NaJ!Cil x HybirdFox!Reader ~ never forget me ~Where stories live. Discover now