chapt 13: the big time chaos

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Your pov.

The boy spoke "EVERYONE WERE BEING ATTACKED!" Everyone panic gaster calmed them down as pink bloob sthigs or slime burst in the class everyone was ready to fight i put myself into a fighting stance... cil was beside me... ready to fight i look at him and nod he nod back were partners in... saving. We all fight them but they kept on duplicating cil shot one with a blaster and it disappeared i knew it! "Everyonr use something like blasters thatll do the trick!!!" I shouted as the all nod and did it we fought as mr gaster fought the rest some of the students got injuries i healed them along with ms. Toriel the nurse i huffed i used too much magic. Then we heard screams i ran with cil i saw... alphys... papyrus... and... (b/n)? Bro shouted "RUN!" he kept on using his fire  and water magic with his eyes flaring blue and red.... i never saw him like this... as tears drop... he saw me "y/n!!! Go!" "Not with out you big bro!!!" I saw someone behind him... she was a child with a purple sweater fading to pink and a pink skirt with brown shorts and boots and her hair was covering one eye her hair was brown fadig to pink at the end... pink... eyes... Is that ... noire... no it cant be!. She was ready to attack bro i screamed "bro behind you!" It was too late when he turned around he got shot... his soul was attatched to a pink needle like weapon... noire grabbed his soul and gave it to kumu... i cried and screamed and ran to bro... he whispered... with blood in his words " dont give up... sis... our siblings are still alive their.... coughs hiding ... coughs... at the secret... x.... i... love you... enjoy... the future for me... " and after that i said "no! Dont please .... i miss you... i dont want you to die bro!" Its too late... kumu ate his soul as he died... and turned into dust... only his human form was left... i took his necklace and wore it. As my tears turned into a waterfall i fought betty ... until she saw cil. She giggled i saw kumu notbhere NO NOT HIM! I turned to cil only to see him... turning half dust... i ran to him "NO DONT GIVE UP ON ME TOO!!! Cil... sniff hic... dont... i-i c-cant lose a-another in o-one day..." "shhhh... my love... i-i love you... have hope in you.... remember... dont give up and... save others... and take care of my f-family... luv ya ... y/n..." i put my forehead to his and cried "please... dont due your that one who had my heart..." kumu did the same thing... ate cils soul... he turned completely dust his smile... was gone... his headband was ontop of my knee... i stood... and put the headband... at my pocket...
"WHAT A BIG DAY RIGHT?!¿¡" i said as my demonic voice turned on and tears streaming down on ny cheeks... betty laughed ... " so far your soul is the most preciouse to me so.. give it and ill spare them..." "no... never... i dont believe you..." "phathetic... like the others." She got into afighting  stance we got into a fight and we fought we were both bleedung her arm was slowly remaking itself since i sliced it off. Thanks to frisk who came. We were both panting all of my friends... came and got to my side we were ready to finish her "lets surrender kumu..." she said as kumu nod they teleported to who knows... i fainted. Tired of using much magic.

I woke up... i was in the infarmy... everyone was sleeping on some beds and some on the chairs and floors . I walked out of the infarmy and saw... lots of dust in the air and bodies... blood too... the windows were shattered broken glasses on the floor cracks on the celling and walls even on floor it looked like a chaos... i walked to the sakura tree... i saw... the petals were gone... bramches broken... i went under it... i cried... until... "hello?" I look up to see... a child with another child... they look like frisk and chara but... younger... "im frisk and this is chara were here to inform you.... betty the one you foyght... was going to destroy all of the aus... using your souls... your soul was very special... if you wamt to save the multiverse... join us to stop the glitch..." i thought... is this a joke?... i nod they explain what are the aus and multiverse... they gave me a small puoch i look inside to see marble sized crysyal balls... "throw this on the ground and stomp on it and say undertale to go to my au a portal will open after meet us and we will help you" i nod... "thank yiu and for my love ones... ill do it" i was filled with bravery. They did tje portal thing and the portal closed i went back onlynto see everyones looking the saw my and sighed in relief. They asked lots of questions butnpj broke it. "Wheres cil?" Everyone was silent and i teared up. He also teared up "i-i m sorry..." i said as i cried. He hugged me as we all cried... error amd ink rush in. "Wheres our son?!" "H-HES D-D-DEAD BECAUSE O-OF ME!!!" I screamed in pjs shirt as he said "its not your fault!" "But it is! Bro died cuznof me and cil too if i was keeping watch on him i couldve warned them!!!" Soon ink hugged me and error i cried even more.... i felt... i forgotten something... MY SIBLINGS! "MY SIBLINGS I NEED TO FIND THEM!!!" I ran out as i went to the garden house left. Rught. Pass this clock. Foward wait wait right then left foward there!" I fiund it!" I whispered to myself. I saw the house ... its... broken... tears formed i shook my head no! Im not giving up i need to go to the secrete x! Secret x is the name of the hiding spot we gave it a name so nobody knows what were talking about i saud the passcode as i went to the trunk of my tree house "colors sometimes bright but might be dark when im sad" i said... "secret x lock x 2 x 3 x 9.0" it opened i checked if anyones here ofcourse not... i wemt in and closed the door locked it and said "new code secret x 4 x 5 x 2.0 hope" "name?" The computer asked "y/n l/n" "software updated thank you." I  went down the stairs... to see my crying siblings. "Josh (change if its b/n s name) kaila! (Change if its ur name) its me y/n!" I ran to them and they looked up to see me they hugged me "wheres big bro?" Asked josh... i dont need to tell them... no... i need to. "He.... died..." we welled up in tears "lets go to underhigh there are survivors there..." the both nod i made the way out with them following. I told them to grab on my shoulders so they did i flapped my wings and went to school. I was greeted by pj. " meet my siblings josh and kaila. Guys meet paperjam or pj." "Hei sir!" Josh said "h-hi...." kaila hid behind me shyly " heya kids nice to meet you we need to get in for a lockdown k?" We nod and wemt in pj and his friends wemt on scouting for survivors. Some went for supplies . I told my siblings to stay with my friends so they did. I wemt out to the rotten tree amd used the crystal ball to open the portal i grabbed my.pouch and picked one and said "undertale au" i smashed it.on the ground wih my foot. The.postal open i went in and got greeted by frisk and chara "follow us" i followed. I saw other versions of me there was apopstar. depressed girl. A cold icy one too. We introduced ourselves we had the same name but different surnames mine waz (l/n) and theirs was

Popstar =starlight
Deprsssed= personality
Cold = roller

We talked about betty noire and kumu and how to defeat her etc. We made a plan we all agreed and got back to our own aus. I got to the room where my siblings are my friends were playing with them i sighed and sat on one chair smiling at them ... i told my self "what a big day chaos huh?..." i took out the headband of cils and wore it... i summoned a mirror and i looked cute! I blushed... cil wouldve seen this... i looked at bros necklace... it was a teardop and a flame on the bottom of the drop i turned it to saw something carved

Sins were made for you
Making forgiveness
Even if rain was like teardrops that came from your pain
The raging flame will dry it down.
Even if i am bad or dead i still love you for who you are
Ill be watching you from high above sending the whitest dove among all..
Thank you for everything...

I almost cried but i look to my right seeing a ghost figure of (b/n) i look to my left seeing mom and dad... i look foward to... see cil... they were ghost... or my imagination... i cried as the faded away hugging me...i stopped crying when i fell asleep on the floor like a puppy... i heard someone say..."good night my love..."

To be continued...

Guys... read my other books to know who are your other vers. And plus credits for creator of betty and kumu boi!

Fifi signing out~!

NaJ!Cil x HybirdFox!Reader ~ never forget me ~Where stories live. Discover now