part 4

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i looked down at the floor and slammed my locker. i walked as quickly as i could away from everybody. i saw the janitor's closet and luckily it wasnt locked. i closed the door after me and sank down to the ground. i balanced my head on my hands and just sat there. i pulled my phone out from my back pocket and saw that sam texted me. 

last night was fun. maybe we can do it again tonight?

he asked. 

i couldnt believe him. i told him not to tell anyone. the entire school knew. he had to have told people. i put my phone down and waited for a minute to stand back up and walk out of the closet, first making sure nobody was around. i walked as quickly as i could around the school until i found the gym. i swung the door open and saw the basketball team practicing. i searched until i saw sam and walked up, furiously, to him. i crossed my arms. 

the coach yelled at me, but i ignored him. 

"just give me a minute" sam said, leading me off of the court and to the bleachers. 

"come sit" he invited me. i shook my head. "something wrong?" he asked innocently

"you told everyone about last night. the whole school knows. do you know how many people have come up to me asking about it?" i snapped

i looked towards the court and saw all of the guys motioning from me to sam and winking. i ignored them.

"you told the guys on your basketball team too!?" i said, getting even madder.  

he took a breath and waited before saying, "you're so hot when youre mad." and getting up to kiss me. 

i shoved him backwards, "you're a pig." i glanced back and the guys on the team were looking at me. "you know what? how about you just leave me alone from now on?" i said backing up and running my hands through my hair. 

he shook his head immediately and started talking, fast. "i only told a couple of friends. i guess they told a couple of friends and it spread really fast...i didnt mean for everyone to know. i dont want to leave you alone, i like being around you."

i sighed, "bye sam" and walked out of the gym.

Sammy Wilkinson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now