part 16

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"hey" sam lifted his head off my chest to look at me "you in the mood for a party?"

i rolled my eyes, "who's"

"yours," he said. i raised my eyebrow. "ours"

"you want to throw a party?" i asked

"yes" he told me sitting up even more.

"we dont have a reason to...or a theme, or food, drinks, entertainment, my house is a mess-"

"you're over-thinking this. we can have a party for fun, it's not against the law. and we could just go out and get some food..."

"what about entertainment?" i sighed

"this will be a party with girls and boys. i think there will be plenty of entertainment." he scoffed

i gave him a playful shove. "but its only thursday. why dont we wait until the weekend? so more people will come"

"now you're thinkin" he smiled, giving me a soft peck on the lips. 

"lets have it friday" i said

he nodded. he said it should be an open party. so he texted basically everyone at westside and even kids from other schools about it. he knew a lot of people. 

we sent out this text:

Hey, so me and brooke are throwing a huge party, friday at 7. bring anyone(:

with my address. to about 300 people. 

"this party is tomorrow. we should probably go shopping." he said. i nodded. i grabbed my keys, stopping at his house so he could change, and went to vons. we just grabbed about 15 huge bags of chips, dip, candy, other little party foods. we grabbed sprite, lemonade, and he told me hed get his friends to bring alcohol. i nodded and we went to check out. 

we drove back home and put everything in the cupboards. 

i took out a broom, windex, wipes, paper towels, and a bunch of cleaning supplies. 

i got  on top of the cabinets and started scrubbing.  i bent over, trying to scrub away a water spot on the wood. i turned around to see he wasnt helping me. i groaned. "get up and help me."

"i actually like the view from here" he said putting his feet up. i looked down at where he was staring and noticed my shirt was slipping and he could easily see my boobs when i bent down. i hopped down from the counter and pulled my shirt up. 

"you just earned yourself the job of cleaning the cabinets." i said, handing him the paper towels and windex. i grabbed myself another bottle and more towels and cleaned the windows. 

he groaned obnoxiously and started cleaning. 

within 2 hours we were finally done, but exausted. it was only 4pm. we flopped onto the couch and i rested my head in his lap. he stroked my hair and smiled down at me. i felt my eyes closing and drifted off to sleep.

Sammy Wilkinson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now