part 19

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we walked down the stairs, stumbling, still drunk. 

"where have you guys been?" missy asked, running up to us. she talked and talked, asking questions constantly.

"we fucked," sam said once she finished talking. she stood there, crossed her arms and her jaw dropped. 

"sam!" i said hitting him in the chest. 

"what the hell is wrong with you? you pick her over me? you could find a girl exactly like her at a strip club." she said. 


"whatever, missy." i said, walking past her, but sam didn't follow me. 

"leave. now." sam said rudely. 

"no!" missy shouted over the music. "you invited me here,"

"yeah, my mistake. now leave" he said. she looked at him for a second, and turned and ran out the door.

we both couldn't help but laugh. i did feel a little bad though. but sam and some other people at the party told me missy is basically the most fake, bitchiest person at the whole school, so that did make me feel a little better, knowing she didn't get what she wanted for once.

the next day i woke up in my bed, still in my party dress. i turned over and saw sam there. i gasped and sat up. 

"sam!" i said, shaking him.

he shot up and looked at me "what!"

"what happened last night..." i said, rubbing my head. i had a splitting head ache, like i could still hear the music pounding. 

"don't kill me...but" he said nodding at me, trying to tell me something obviously.

then i got it.

"oh my god......did we...." 

he nodded, causing a mix of emotions stir though me. 

"why didnt you stop me!" i asked, hitting him with a pillow

"we were both completely drunk, we didnt even think about it." he said hitting me back.

"no no no no" i said shaking my head "this isnt happening,"

"what's the problem? who even cares" he said

i was trying to think about what else had happened last night. i got up and i remembered. 

"missy!" i said, cupping my mouth with my hand in shock

"oh my god i feel so bad. i need to call her." i said pulling my phone off of my desk and looking through my contacts. 

"no you dont," sam grabbed my hands. "she's a bitch. she deserved it."

i still felt bad. 

he still was holding my hands and he brought them up around his neck. he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, hoisting me up so my legs were around his hips. 

"should we go look at the damage downstairs?" he asked

i took a deep breath and nodded.

Sammy Wilkinson imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن