part 8

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i didnt see sam for the rest of the day. at the end of the day jack and jack were at my locker. they asked if i knew where sam was and i told them everything. 

they werent shocked. they told me this happens lots. they asked if i wanted to come with them to sams house to visit him.

"sure," i smiled. i moved past them to my locker and got my bag , completely ignoring the fact that i had an essay due tomorrow. they led me to johnsons car and we drove off.

about 10 minutes later we were at sams house. they didnt bother knocking, just walked right in. 

"hey lori," gilinsky smiled at mrs. wilkinson. 

she waved at all of us, "sams upstairs."  and the jacks led me to his room. we knocked and walked in. 

"what happened?" i asked rushing over to him. he was sitting on his bed playing on his phone. he set his phone down and sat up when he saw me. i sat down on his bed next to him and he pulled me onto his lap. 

"im suspended." he cracked a smile. i looked at him, shocked. then him and the jacks burst out laughing. 

"i dont get it. what's funny?" 

"hes suspended" gilinsky said between laughs. 

i looked around and couldnt help joining in on the laughter. i didnt understand what was funny still, but seeing them all like this was fucking hilarious.

sam stopped laughing and kissed me on the cheek. i turned around and he smiled. 

"so you're not going to school tomorrow then?" johnson asked sam

"nope. but ill be back on thursday." sam said, not taking his eyes off of me. i couldnt help but smile.

he was perfect. like not the kind of perfect where you say "imperfectly perfect." the kind of perfect where you just couldn't find a single flaw in him. it sounds ridiculous, but thats honestly how i felt. 

jack looked down at his phone. "shit" 

"whats wrong?" i asked

"i need to get home," he said getting up.

"can you drop me off?" gilinsky asked

jack nodded.

"i should go too." i stood up. 

"wait. ill come too." sam said getting up. "mind if i come over?" sam asked me. 

"not at all" i smiled. 

we left and the jacks dropped me and sam off at westside because i left my car there. we drove back to my house. 

it was only 6. 

i put my keys down. "what do you wanna do?" i turned around and he was already right in front of me. 

he grabbed my hand and led me up to my room. i sat down at the edge of my bed and he sat right next to me, quite literally taking my breath away with his kiss. 

he rolled us over so i was on top of him. he grabbed the small of my back and rubbed. i broke our kiss. 

"we cant do this. not again." 

he looked a little sad. "why not?" 

"because." i sat up, "i met you yesterday." 

"and i already feel so close to you." he said kissing my neck.

"i want to do this, sam, i really do, but we just cant." 

he kept kissing my neck and making his way to my chest. i grabbed his face with my hands "no." i told him. 

"fine." he said sitting up. "then what do you want to do?"

"we could go swimming." i suggested, getting up.

"i dont have a bathing suit" he said, smirking. he got up too

"no. youre wearing your shorts." i told him. 

"youre definetely not like other girls." he chuckled. 

"good," i smiled. 

i went into my drawers and laid all of my bathing suits on my bed. "help me pick."

i had a black one with ruffles on the chest and regular black bottoms, the same one in turqoise, a lace white one, and a plain blue one. 

sam looked over them and pointed to the white one. "this ones the most revealing." 

"in that case..." i said, picking up the least revealing one, which was the blue one. 

he groaned. "either one, youll look amazing." 

i smiled, "give me 5 minutes." i walked into my bathroom and changed. when i came back out, sam wasnt there. i grabbed two towels and tip-toed down stairs to the back door. i opened it and turned the corner. i looked at the pool.


sam had literally poured a whole bunch of soap into the pool. and he wasnt done. i looked across the pool and he was still pouring more in.

i laughed "oh my god. this is amazing."

he looked up and put the soap down. he ran up to me, picking me up bridal style and carried me to the steps, walking me in carefully. he stopped when the water was about to my chest, and put me down. 

"this is so cool. i dont know why i never thought of this."  i said, looking around.i turned towards him and he was looking at my lips. 

"i want to kiss you so bad." he moaned. 

"no, sam." i said. i wanted to kiss him more. but this couldnt happen again. 

"i know youre not gonna let me." he said sadly. 

i turned around and stared back a his lips. i put my arms around my neck and he lifted my legs up so i was straddling his waist. he walked backwards towards the stairs, with me still straddling him. he smiled. "youre gonna let me?" 

i tightened my arms around his neck, causing him to tilt his head towards me and kiss me. 

the kiss was good. actually, the kiss was absolutely amazing. it was really passionate, too. more than i expected it to be. 

we kept kissing until i was breathless. i had to break the kiss to breathe for a minute. 

"you know, they say the brain dies after 2 minutes without oxygen." i told him. 

he smiled, "id die happy."

Sammy Wilkinson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now