part 9

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i stood up while he was still sitting down, and he watched my body as i got out of the pool. i picked up a towel and wrapped it around myself. 

"come back inside with me" i smiled

"will you stay in your bathing suit?" he asked

i shook my head, laughing, "its soaking wet dumbass,"

"you could always put on the white one, thats dry. it probably wont be for long, though," he said getting out of the water. i elbowed him in the side

"you're gross," i laughed. 

i threw him a towel and we walked inside. i ran upstairs and changed into flowy black shorts and a white tank top. i brushed my hair out and put it up in a bun. i walked downstairs

sam was sitting on my couch with the towel on him because he only had the pair of shorts he wore in the pool. he combed through his hair with his hands and looked at me for a minute.

"you look really sexy," he said. 

i looked pretty bad, actually. hes insane.

i looked down at my body and remembered i was wearing a bun. "fine." i said taking my hair out and pulling down my shorts a little so they were longer. 

"wha was that for?" he asked

"im gonna do everything i can to turn you off." i stated simply, walking over to him.

"that's impossible. im turned on whenever im around you." 

i felt my cheeks turn a little pink. "shut up" i shoved him playfully

i wanted to kiss him right then and there. this was too hard.

Sammy Wilkinson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now