part 24

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we all met in cameron, nash, carter, and matt's room, and hung out in there for a while.

"so how's mallory?" jacob asked jack 

"shes...reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally good." jack smirked

i looked around and sam put his hand over my ears and the guys started laughing

"it's fucking hot," taylor moaned.

nash propped his head up, "lets go swimming!"

just then a girl walked in the room, smiling. she sat right next to me, "im mahogany" she smiled at me.

"im brooke."

"thank god, i could use another girl on tour. im the DJ by the way." she told me

i smiled, "do you wanna come swimming with us?"


she was so sweet, i felt like we were going to become good friends

i went back to the room with sam and the jacks and i went into the bathroom and changed and when i got back out, they were all changed. i met mahogany in the hall and we walked down to the pool together, talking about everything from magcon to twitter to boys. 

"i just want to warn you...some of the girls are not going to be so nice." she told me

"why does everyone keep saying that? the fans all seem really sweet" 

"they are, but they spend so much time thinking about and talking about these boys, and you can imagine, it wouldnt be easy to see them with someone else. so sometimes they will send you hate, in person or on twitter." she said

i nodded "thank you for leting me know" 

we exchanged numbers and kept walking towards the pool. the boys were all already there. 

we sat down on the chairs and laid out to tan. sam walked over to sit with me and grabbed the suntan lotion. he rubbed some on my back, and then moved to my lower back, and my legs and neck. he dabbed some on my face and let me rub it in 

"thank you," i said kissing him. "go catch up with your friends," i told him

he smiled and dove straight on top of shawn. mahogany and i could not stop laughing. we watched them all in the pool and then later we went in the pool with them for chicken fights. 

jack g put me on his shoulders and jacob put mahogany on his. we wrestled for a minute, but then we both ended up falling off, laughing. then we went into teams, and it was me on sams shoulders, jack j on jack g's shoulders, mahogany on jacobs, against taylor on shawns, matt on nash's cameron on aaron's. the other boys were watching. the second team won, and we all fell on top of each other. 

i could see why sam had so much fun with these guys, they were all so much fun. 

"come here," sam whispered. we went to the steps and he touched my hips lightly and led me up the stairs in the pool. he walked me around the corner and pushed me against the wall 

"i never got a chance to tell you how good you look in that," he said motioning to my suit. i smiled and then he grabbed my lower back, trailing his hands down. he grabbed my ass and pressed his lips to mine. 

"you're so hot," he whispered in my ear

"sam. im not drunk this time." i told him


"the rules still apply." 

"no sex?" he whined

"no sex." 

"this isnt sex, though." he said, rubbing my thighs and tracing his fingers along my bathing suit bottoms. "admit it, you want me."

"i want you." i said. i did. "but sam, we're sharing a hotel room with the jacks."

"they wont mind, ill ask them to stay out of the room til later," he started leaving marks on my neck, causing me to arch my back

"they would know that we were having sex."

"who cares" he growled. 

"sam? morgan?" a voice from around the corner rang out, and i pushed sam off of me. 

it was cameron. 

"ooh, sorry guys." he said backing up

"its totally fine." i said, walking up to him, "let's go" i looked back at sam, "you coming?" 

sam stood there with his jaw dropped. he was mad.

Sammy Wilkinson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now