BSM - Hunting Together Again - Dean and Sam

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It had been years since you, your little brother Sam, and your older brother Dean had been on a hunt together. You had gotten out of the life when you were eighteen but eventually got right back into the mess when you found out that your best friend had been killed by a demon.

You had tracked down your brothers. Which wasn't very hard surprisingly. You saw the famous "baby" out side some old motel. You saw Dean and Sam come strolling out and then they got into baby. As they started to pull out of the parking lot you started up your red 1970 Chevrolet chevelle. You followed them until they parked at an old diner.

When they got out of the car and went into the diner you sat in your car still trying to gather yourself. The last time you had seen Sam he was only fifteen, and Dean was nineteen, and you were eighteen. Now you were twenty-five, Dean was twenty-six, and Sam was twenty-two. 

You took one more deep breath and then got out of the car and walked into the diner. You saw them sitting in a booth you took another deep breath and then headed towards them. 

"Hiya Dean-o, Hiya Sammy." You said with a huge smile on your face. Their faces instantly lit up with joy. Sam couldn't get out of his seat fast enough to get up and hug you. My god he was a lot bigger than he was when he was fifteen you thought to yourself. Dean still had his candy apple green eyes that you were always jealous of. He had gotten a lot buffer since the last time you saw him. He stood up and hugged you too.

"Y/N what are you doing here?! It's been forever!" Sam said in a excited voice.

"Seven years to be exact" Dean added. 

"God it's so good to see you guys again. I found myself a little case and I saw that damn car of yours, and I knew it was you two so I thought I would stop in and say hey." That wasn't a complete lie. You did see their car but that wasn't why you were there.

"Wait a hunt?!?!? I thought you got out of the life? You were pretty set on that idea when you left." Dean said.

"Yeah, I guess you really can't escape it." You said.

"Yeah no kidding." Sam responded with a chuckle.

"So you want help? With the hunt?" Dean said

"Yeah that would be great." you said.

"Looks like the scooby gang is back together." Sam added in and chuckled again.

"Yeah it does seem so." You said with the biggest smile on your face. This was the happiest you'd been in a long time. You hoped you could stay with them for a while, or at least keep in touch. This looked like a new beginning for the Winchester siblings. 


Authors note

Sorry this ones short and crappy again. If you have requests I'm happy to take them! Thank You for reading my lovely people! <3<3<3<3

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