Too late - Soulless!Sam x reader

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After soulless Sam gets too aggressive you go into hiding. Trying to get out of the life and away from the youngest Winchester for good. 

Warnings: Language, graphic descriptions of abuse, abuse, angst, 

This could potentially be triggering. Please read the warnings. 

"You don't have to do this Sam." you whimpered out, sliding back on your hands toward the wall. Eventually making it there you curled yourself into the smallest ball you could. Trying to convince yourself that this wasn't Sam. He wouldn't have ever hurt you. This couldn't possibly be him.

Since he got back from hell he'd been more rude and distant than ever. The two of you had been so close before he jumped in the cage. Your relationship had only been going on for around two years but those years had felt like a lifetime. You'd grown close to both boys. Dean being the protective big brother you never had and Sam being your best friend and the love of your life. The only love you'd had that hadn't treated you like crap in a long time. 

Now here you were. Face bloodied, with tears rushing down your face. Sam had told you to not tell Dean that he was back from hell. Dean was his brother though. The one person that deserved to know. When you told Sam that he lost his shit. You'd tried to reason with him but it turned violent in a instant. 

"Stand back up" He barked. You stayed on the ground, curled into your ball, this had been the safest you'd felt since the fight broke out. You whimpered and pleaded for him to stop but that wasn't getting him to stop. He kicked your side and a wail of pain erupted from you. "Are you deaf? I said STAND. BACK. UP." Again you made no move to stand. He grabbed a fist full of your hair and dragged you to a standing position. His other hand came to your throat and started to squeeze. Ultimately cutting off your air supply. 

With tears still rushing down your face you kicked and tried to pry his hand away from your throat. Black dots started to cloud your vision. Looking into his eyes they seemed so much more hollow. They weren't the full loving and caring eyes of your lover. They were cold as they had been the past six months he'd been back. This was how you were going to die. By the hands of your best friend. The person you'd learned to trust the most. 

Right at the point that you were going to pass out he let go. You dropped to the floor gasping for air. Your vision was still blurry. He grabbed your chin and made you look at him. "Repeat after me" he demanded, "I will not go to Dean or tell anyone what happened here tonight." Continuing to catch your breath and trying to choke back your sobs you tried to repeat what he had said. It seemed like the only way to get out of the mess you were in.

"I will not go to Dean or tell anyone what happened here tonight." you choked out. It was quiet but he seemed to be satisfied with your answer. He got up and went to the bathroom while you stayed down on the floor. Everything that had just happened was just now registering in your mind. It was all real. The pain you felt inside and out was real. He really did this to you. 

When he came back into the main room he had a damp washrag pressed onto his right knuckle. At some point during the assault the skin had broken and was bleeding. Not nearly as much as you were. Memories of when you two would patch each other up went flashing trough your mind. His touch was so gentle then. He hadn't even given you a second glance before he announced that he was going to get some food and walked out the door. 

While he had been in the room you'd tried to keep your tears within their dams, but as soon as that door slammed shut the dam broke. This was the hardest you'd cried in a long, long time. Sam had been your safe haven the person who'd saved you countless times. You had to get out. You had to leave the youngest Winchester behind and never look back.

Slowly getting up you wobbled to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror your face was already swollen. Based off the fact that it was causing you excruciating pain to breathe your figured at least one rib was broken. Probably from the blow to your side. Your leg felt like it was on fire, causing you to wobble. No thanks to when Sam had put all his weight on it trying to stop you from crawling earlier in the night. Pretty much everything hurt. 

There was very little you could do to clean yourself up. The warm wet washrag felt good against your face as you tried to wash as much of the blood off as you could.  After cleaning up you wobbled back to the main room and gathered all your things. You put what little you had in your duffel bag and went out the cheap motel door. 

Looking around and seeing that Sam's car was no where in sight and the coast looked clear you went to one of the older cars in the parking lot. Breaking in to it was easy for you since Dean had showed you how before everything went to shit. Once you were in you tossed your duffel in the passenger seat of the dirty car. Hot wiring was another thing that Dean had showed you so that was just as easy as breaking in. 

Shutting the door and buckling up you made your way out of the crappy motel's parking lot. Figuring that Sam had gone left out of the motel since that's where all the food places were you went right. Driving away from the town that had just barley made some of your worst memories. It felt like there was nowhere for you to go. When Sam found that you were missing and if he cared enough to go find you, Dean and Bobby's would be the two places he would look. You didn't have any family left since this life had killed most of them. Mutual friends of the Winchester's would be loyal to them first and tell them if you were with them. You were truly alone. So you drove and drove and drove some more. Trying to get somewhere far away from Sam and somewhere where he wouldn't find you.  

After stopping for gas approximately five times after driving non stop your tank was once again almost empty. The closest gas station was in a small town in Colorado. Stopping for gas once again you looked around. The town was small and looked peaceful and you were exhausted. A night in a motel didn't seem too bad. You'd taken a two hour nap in the past three days and were running on empty. 

One night wouldn't hurt your run away from Sam, right?

Authors note:

Hey guys! Long time no see. Sorry to be so inactive, it's been a long time. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things but no promises. Would you guys want a part two to this? It's been an idea I've been playing with for a while but I'm not really sure if it's going anywhere. Let me know! And as always thank you guys for reading, you're the best! 

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