For Worse or for Better: Chapter 4

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For Worse or for Better: Chapter 4

Dean x unrequited!reader


Everything after that encounter with Sam seemed weird. Sebastian could tell that something was off with you during lunch, and he wasn't sure how to fix it, that fact drove him crazy. He was used to being able to help you out, to help you find a way to solve everything. The way you looked at him throughout lunch had made him feel helpless.

If only he knew how much his presence made you feel safe and loved. In that diner you felt untouchable, even if the Winchester brothers were way bigger than the both of you. Sebastian had this way of making sure you were okay all the time. You loved him for it. Feeling safe was something that you didn't get to feel much growing up, so having someone to make it so you did feel safe, meant more to you than Seb would ever know.

"So, who were those guys? I don't know if I've ever heard you talk about them is all." Seb questioned. He wasn't jealous, he wasn't mad, he just looked concerned. He cared so much about you and it made your heart melt.

With a heavy sigh you explained everything about knowing Sam back at Stanford. You told him all about how his girlfriend had died and he took it pretty hard. You'd only heard about his older brother, but you never got the chance to meet him. Sebastian was weirded out about how the whole interaction went down too. Neither of you knew what to sum it up too though.

After lunch your day went pretty normal. Luke's was pretty dead so you told Matt and Robin to go home early, so you could finish closing up. You thought about walking home since you and Sebastian only had one car and he'd still be at work for another hour or so. You usually walked home, but you didn't want to take the chance. Something seemed off ever since you saw the two brothers. Not to mention there'd been this suspicious black car parked across the street for hours and you weren't about to get kidnapped.

You were smart, not like some dumb girl in all the scary movies. You thanked your mom in times like these for those hunter instincts. Sure they may have been a little rusty since they hadn't really been used in a couple years, but you didn't forget. Walking home was dumb. You felt that in your gut so you stuck to it. You sent Seb a text and asked him to pick you up after work. He happily said yes. Once again your knight in shining armor.

The clock hit seven meaning it was time for Luke's to close for the day. Closing up wasn't difficult. You just had to lock the door, flip the sign from open to closed, and then put the cash from that days sales into the safe. After you finished up your closing duties, you decided to start a new book you'd been wanting to read for a while. You flipped on one of the lamps by the old timey chairs and started to read your brand new copy.

Thirty minutes later you got a text from Wren, asking about the color scheme of your wedding. She was going to be such a dork about this whole thing, you could already tell. You went back and forth for a while with her messing with different ideas in your head. Really you didn't care if it was a big white wedding, you just wanted to marry your best friend. Wren knew that of course, but that wasn't going to stop her from messing with you about everything she could.

You moved to conversation from wedding talk to your everyday talk. Asking about her day, how her newest date went and all that fun stuff. Everything was the same old answer you always got from her. You didn't mind, because you knew she was happy, and that was the important thing. The she moved the topic to you. Asking about your day was something she was always good at doing.

You told her you had some weird stuff happen. You went on about seeing Sam again and how weird your guys' talk was. She knew about Sam, you'd mentioned him once before. Her reaction seemed weird, or at least abnormal. Usually she would've teased you about something like that, instead she told you to stay away from him. You thought it was weird but it's not like you had a desire to see either of the brothers again anyway, so you brushed it off.

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