You can't run and you can't hide - Demon!Dean x Daughter reader x Sam

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Imagine you're Dean's daughter, and when Dean's a demon he tells you that he's going to you, Sam, and Cas while he's still locked in the dungeon. Will you make it out dead, or alive?

There he was, your dad, and he was a demon. Dean was one of the few people you had left. He had tried to keep you out of the hunting life but it didn't work out so well once a pack of werewolves came and killed your mother. Dean and Sam had gotten there just before they got to you. You were only seven at the time. At fifteen most girls were worried about weather or not they were going to get asked to prom, but you, you were worried about your dad being a demon. Once you and your uncle Sam found out that there might be even the slightest chance of changing him back to normal, you knew you had to try......even if it ended up killing him

You and your uncle took shifts watching your dad. Right now it was your turn. You were trying to study for your upcoming finals while doing the job. It wasn't working too well. You were wearing a sweatshirt and some sweatpants trying to be as comfortable as you could be in the rock hard chair you had down in the dungeon. As you sat there in what felt like the most uncomfortable seats in the world you began to doze off. Suddenly your dad started tugging at his restraints, which immediately woke you up. He was starting to wake up again. great. Rubbing your eyes you began to gather your things. Sam had said that once he woke up that you were to go get him and let him start his shift. 

"Ahhh, Y/N/ aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He said sarcastically. You just sighed and continued to pack up all your things. "Really, not even a word for your own father? Do I mean that little to you?" 

"You're not my father. Your vessel or whatever you want to call it is, but you..... you are most definitely not my father." You spat back as you finished packing all of your stuff away. 

 Just as you were about to walk out the door his voice stopped you. "You know Y/N/ I'm going to get out of this little dungeon you and Sammy have put me in, then I'm going to kill both of you.... slowly. Hell you'll be begging for me just to kill you and get it over with. I'll make sure to kill you first, right in front of Sammy, that'll destroy him, and well you'll be dead, so it won't matter that much for you. You're such a pain in my ass so it'll be easy for me to do it. That's a promise you hear me?" His voice was dark, not the sweet caring father you were used to hearing. What he said brought tears to your eyes. You know that your father would never say that. It was hard to see how far gone he really was. That just made you more determined than ever to help cure him. 

You walked out of the room and closed the door before any of the tears that had built up could fall in front of that thing in that room. You headed to the library in hopes of finding your uncle and were not disappointed when you found him reading another lore book trying to see if there was any other way to cure his big brother. He glanced up at you "He awake?" You just nodded in response. "Are you okay" he asked. You nodded and responded "Yeah, yeah just a little tired." with a slight chuckle just trying to make sure that you convinced him enough. He looked at you suspiciously  and then nodded "Okay, just holler if you need anything okay?" Once again you just nodded and then settled yourself in one of the library chairs. 

You must have passed out at some point because what felt like only seconds later your uncle was shaking you awake. "Ugg what time" you were interrupted by your uncle putting a finger to his mouth to tell you to be quiet. "What is it?" you whispered as quietly as you could manage. "It's Dean" his eyes full of worry, "You know that secret hiding spot in your room that I told you about?" You nodded, tears filling your eyes. "I need you to go and hide there, get your demon blade and don't come out till I tell you to, it's the only place Dean doesn't know about, okay bug?" Bug, he never uses that nickname unless he's seriously worried about something going wrong. You nodded and started to go off to your room, being extremely careful not to run into that thing possessing your dad. 

You made it to your room safely. The hiding spot was built into your closet. Sam had found out about it a few days ago, and told you about it in case something like this would happen. You got into the little space put the board back as quietly as you could and waited, demon blade in hand. You evened out your breathing, trying to move as little as possible to make sure you didn't make a sound. 

"Come on Sammy! Wanna hang out with your big brother? A little quality time? What about my little girl Y/N/, a little father daughter time?" Deans voice boomed through the hallways. He sounded really close to your room. A loud crash almost made you yelp in surprise. You quickly put a hand over your mouth, trying to get keep your breathing normal. He was in your room. You could hear his footsteps growing nearer to the closet every passing moment. "Little pig, little pig, let me in." you heard that thing say as he knocked on the board to your hiding spot. "Shit" you whispered under your breath. "Come on, you really think I didn't know about your little hide and go seek spot?" he said as he tore through the board. "Here's Johnny!" Ye yelled as he tore through the last part of the board. Your hands fumbled with the demon blade, ultimately leading you to drop it. You reached for the blade but he quickly grabbed your hands and pulled you from out of the crawl space. You were petrified. You couldn't move or make a sound. Your dad was supposed to be the one who protected you from these monsters, he wasn't supposed to be the monster. Even in you tried to fight back you knew you'd loose. He was too strong....and you could never do anything to really hurt your father, it would kill you. 

He brought his head close to your ear and whispered "You know that thing I promised you earlier? I plan to follow through." his voice was low, husky, it was the definition of terrifying. Your body was suddenly rushed full of adrenaline. You used all the strength you could to try to pry away from the death grip he had on your wrists that were sure to leave bruises. He did not like that one bit at all. He pushed you up against the wall and asked "You wanna try that again sweetie-pie?" This time you went for the area that was almost definite to hurt a guy. You kneed him successfully right in the balls..... Hard. He instantly dropped down in pain. Instant regret filled your heart but you couldn't feel sorry for him right then and there.

Run is all that went through your mind. Dean was up in a quick second and grabbed your leg causing you to trip and fall. When you tried to fight back to start running again, he used the full weight of his body to pin you down. You fought and fought to get away but it was no use, he was too strong. "Ahh, Y/N/, you know I was really looking forward to doing this right in front of Sammy, but now will have to do." he said with a heavy sigh at the end. He grabbed you by your hair pulling you to a sitting position against the wall in front of him. You body was right back to being petrified. "Or maybe we'll start with an opener before be get to the big headliner!" His eyes flashed that awful shade of black. "Dad if you're anywhere in there please" voice cracking with tears "please make it stop. I love you dad, I just want you back" What happened next you almost couldn't believe. He brought down the hammer that he had been keeping a hold of this whole time full swing right into your knee. You cried out in pain, your body once again tried to get away. He just pulled you back by your other leg with one hand, hammer still in the other. Your knee was defiantly broken, no question there, and it was osing blood. The swing had broken your skin, there was just so much. You were exhausted. You eyes began to feel heavier, you were about to pass out and you knew it. Just before you could all the lights went out. Dean pulled you into his room, shutting and locking it to leave you alone with no escape. 

 As you heard the final click of the lock you heard your father yell out "Smart Sam, locking the place down, doors won't open, I get it, but here's the thing I don't want to leave, not till I find you." you heard him walk away. Probably heading towards the generator, and that's when everything went black. 



If you guys would like a part two please let me know! Any requests or advice please let me know! I would really, really, really appreciate it! Thank you my lovely readers! I really appreciate you!

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