For Worse or for Better: Chapter 3

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For Worse or for Better: Chapter 3

Dean x reader unrequited love

(Authors note: sorry if the story line is jacked up at all....all I can say is that I

{3 Years Later}

Y/N's P.O.V.

Sebastian, he was it for you. The love of your life. Right now, here in this moment he was all you could see. He'd set up the perfect date, a night under the stars. Just you, him, a six pack of beer and his car. You'd been dating for the better part of two years and you really could see yourself spending the rest of your life with him. He was as close to perfect as you could get. He was smart, kind, strong, brave, handsome, pretty much any great aspect that there is to a human, he had it.

Also, he wasn't a hunter. You'd quit hunting when you started college at Stanford, and you haven't had to fight a monster since. Really you were hoping to keep it that way.

After Stanfod you'd kept in touch with a few friends, but as the years went by you drifted apart. Especially after you moved out of the area, but Heber, Utah, had become a new home for you. It's not like you had a lot of friends, but the friends that you did have were keepers. Wren was probably your best friend out of anyone though. Even though she was a witch, she was one of the few people who'd been there for you through every up and down. You and her had known each other for what felt like an eternity.

She was the first to know about you and Sebastian. She insisted on meeting him first thing so she could give her stamp of approval, and Sebastian had earned it. She thought that he was perfect for you too, and that made your heart flutter with joy. Maybe things were actually looking up for you. And sure enough they were.

Sitting shotgun in Seb's bronco gazing up at the stars you were the most content you'd ever been. Then you looked over at him, and you could tell he was nervous. Something just wasn't right and you could see it.

"Seb, you okay? You're looking a bit nervous over there." You tried to play it off with a laugh and he looked at you.

"Y/n, I've um..I've been in love with you for a long time, and really...truly I couldn't imagine my life without you. You're my best friend, my partner in crime, and all those other cheesy things we say together. We've been together for almost two years and I've never met anyone like you. I believe fully that you're it for me. You Y/n Y/L/n are my happy ending."

Your eyes were filled with tears of pure happiness. Choked up you didn't even know what to say, and then he pulled out the ring. It was beautiful, and it was everything you had ever imagined. You were happier about the look on his face right now though, and the feeling that you were overwhelmed with.

"Y/n, will you...will you marry me?" He asked tentatively.

Looking at him with the biggest smile you were sure you'd ever had "Yes! A thousand times yes!" and kissed him. When you both pulled away he gracefully put the ring on your finger. That drive to yours and his apartment was amazing. You couldn't wait to be with the love of your life forever. He was your happy place. You had finally found a home. A real, safe, and perfect home.


Three years and there was still no sign of Y/n. I would be lying if I said that we were looking for her exclusively. After about a year and a half we'd kind of moved on. Maybe she was dead, and that's why we couldn't find anything. Obviously we were still on the lookout, but looking for her was more of a side job. Especially after all that had happened with the leviathans, the mark of cain, and everything in between. We'd gotten busy. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about her. I know the same is true for Sam.

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