For Worse or for Better: Chapter 2

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                                                                For Worse or for Better: Chapter 2

                                                                    Dean x reader unrequited love


    That night seemed like a lifetime ago. You hadn't seen or heard from the eldest Winchester since, and honestly it's been a nice time for you. Or maybe the complete opposite. After Dean told you to beat it, you threw yourself into hunting. It was the one thing you knew you were good at, the one thing that kept going in your life.

    You'd heard rumors that Sam was back from the dead, and as much as you wanted to see him again, that would include seeing the Dean the douche. Even the thought of seeing him again made your heart swell with an overwhelming amount of emotions. Pain, fear, sadness, longing, and countless others. No matter what you tried to do to fill the void that Dean had left in your heart, it was still empty. No man, no amount of hunting, no amount of anything could fix the damage that Dean had done. So the best you could do was try to forget. Forget about the time you'd spent with the Winchesters, forget about the hunts, forget about everything that included them. As hard as you tried it was nearly impossible.

    You'd met a witch along the way that'd turned out to not be all bad. She'd helped you with a shifter case a while back and you'd been close ever since. She'd actually became one of the few people you could call a friend in your life. You frequently stayed with her in between hunts and she was a person that you confided in often. She knew about all your problems with the Winchesters and your wish to forget about the oldest of the two. So she offered you a solution, a spell that would make Dean cease to exist in your mind. All the memories you shared with Dean would be replaced with something or someone else. The spell would also make the memories with Sam past Stanford cease to exist.

    The offer was more than attractive, but was it worth it? Losing all the great memories with the Winchesters was something unexplainable. The sense of relief that washed over you just thinking about it was refreshing. The devastating amount of dread that came along with it was not as welcoming. Countless memories with Sam have given you a place of light throughout these lonely months, but more often than not they were drowned out by the defining memories of not as fond times with Dean.

    You spent the next couple weeks weighing your options, and decided that it would be for the better to just forget. You could move on with your life and find something or someone to truly make you happy. So she did it for you. A spell that would make you forget all about the Winchester boys and the adventures you'd been on. This was going to be for the better. You knew it. It had to be. Cause' continuously living the way you were living right now was going to end up killing you.


    "You told her to do what?!" Sam yelled. This was the angriest I've seen him since...well since ever. I finally told him the truth about what happened between me and Y/n. Ever since he'd been back, I hadn't exactly told him the full truth of what happened between me and her. I still reminisce on that night and I regret so much of what I said. In the moment I knew what I said wasn't true, but I needed her gone. I couldn't protect her, and I'd shown that on the last few hunts I did with her. She saved my ass time and time again, and I still couldn't protect her. It wasn't fair to her.

    Plus with Sam not having his soul, it's not like he would've cared anyways if I had told him earlier, right? "Sam, it was for the best. She wasn't safe around me, she was too careless."

    "It may have seemed careless to you, but I know Y/n, and I know that she was doing everything to keep you safe. Cause' that's just the person she is. If you would've kept your big mouth shut she would still be here. Instead she's off somewhere where no ones heard from her. All because of you." he was fuming, and honestly I don't know how much longer I can back this up.

    He's right it is all my fault, and I deserve the anger he's throwing at me right now. Y/n was my best friend, and I never told her that. After what I did I'd be lucky to even see her again, let alone talk to her. "Look Sam, I'm sorry okay. It was the heat of the moment and I took everything out on her. Believe me when I say I looked for her after everything, but she's good at covering her tracks, she's like us."

    The way he's looking at me right now kills me. It's a mix of pain, anger, and sadness, and I know that I'm the one who caused it.

    Sighing and sitting down on the bed he brings his hands to his face. "We have to find her. God knows that she probably doesn't want to see you, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to help. We're gonna find her, you're gonna apologize, and then we can get back to normal. Okay?"



     (Authors note)

    Sorry for never updating and sorry this is short and crappy. Maybe someday I'll actually get on a schedule but I don't think that someday is in the near future. Once again if you want another part comments are always appreciated. Thank you for reading, I really do appreciate it. 

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