For Worse or for Better (Dean x reader unrequited love)

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                                                                    For Worse or for Better

                                                             (Dean x reader unrequited love)

(Authors Note: This takes place after Sam jumps in the pit, it's a year after and Dean didn't end up going to Lisa. Him and Y/N have been hunting ever since Sam ended up in the pit.)

"Admit that you were wrong and this whole thing can end!" You were fuming. You'd saved Dean's ass on yet another hunt, and once again he was being a total dick about it. Had you not lured away a couple vamps with a slit on your palm, he would've been a goner. Him yelling at you for saving him was a common pattern. Ever since Sam jumped in the pit he'd been uncontrollable when it came to hunting. He wanted to kill everything in his sight, no matter what it costed. The pattern was the same, go back to the motel after the hunt only to get your ass chewed out by Dean Winchester himself.

Truth be told you'd always had a thing for the eldest Winchester. Since the first time you'd met him back when he picked up Sam from Stanford. You and Sam had been friends in college and you soon realized he was THE Sam Winchester from THE Winchester clan. As a hunter you'd known that John and his boys were legends among the hunting community.

Sam had told you so many stories about his older brother that he admired. You had seen pictures and had been told all of Deans annoying quirks, but nothing could've prepared you for the way your heart fluttered the first time you laid eyes on him. He was everything you'd ever wanted, kind, smart, strong, and overall an amazing person. If he had been half the man Sam had talked up then he'd be perfect, but he was more than perfect.

Unfortunately for you, Dean ended up putting you in more of a little sister role. You would've thought that over years and years with each other you would've gotten at least a bit closer, but it never seemed to happen. He treated you like you were nothing but a little kid who needed to be protected. You were constantly put down by him and yet, something inside you still wanted him to want you. Honestly it didn't make much sense to you.

Sam knew about your crush, and he didn't mind. In fact he actually thought that you two would've been good for each other. He knew how much it hurt you that Dean treated you like you didn't mean anything to him. Sam knew that Dean cared for you, more than he'd like to admit. Yet for some reason that Sam couldn't put his finger on, Dean still treated you like you were nothing.

Once again Dean decided to open his big mouth and give his opinion on your hunting. He would be dead if it weren't for you. but yet, he still has something to say. "Christ alive Y/N you almost got killed because of how reckless you were out there tonight! You think I'm the one who's wrong? You're fucking crazy"

"Why does it matter to you so much anyway? Huh? You haven't cared about me since the day we met, so why now? It doesn't make any goddamn sense!" You finally retaliated. You were done taking crap from him over every little thing. If he was going to make sure you knew that you didn't mean anything to him, then he was going to stop making comments on your skills as a hunter. It was the one thing you knew you were good at. The one thing that was a constant in your life.

"You're right, you don't mean shit to me, so why are you still here? Sam's been gone for a year so why are you sticking around? You're just a pain in my ass and something that's going to end up getting me killed."

That one hurt a little more than you'd like to admit. You knew that Dean wasn't super fond of you, but hearing him say that he didn't want you around anymore hurt. He was all you had after Sam jumped into the pit. You didn't have any family left and friends were hard to come across in your line of work. You didn't know what you would do without Dean by your side anymore.

"..So you want me to leave?" you trembled, trying to make your voice not break from the tears that seemed to be welling up inside of you. You weren't going to let him see his effect on you. Nope not today.

"Yes I fucking want you to leave. Go. I don't want to see you again, you understand?"

His words were like venom, poisoning you with every passing second. The tears were getting harder to keep at bay. Once again you were trying with all your might to keep your voice from showing your true emotion. "Is that what you really want Dean? Cause' if you want me gone then I'll go, and I won't come back if you really want me to."

Dean's voice was fuming "Did you not hear what I said? I want you gone, period. I don't want to see you again, ever. Out. Now."

"..You know Dean Winchester, some people would thank someone for trying to save them. You're a douche bag you know that? Of all the people in the world I didn't expect this from you. So I guess this is goodbye Dean....Have a good life."

You grabbed your duffle and walked out the door. It was only when the door shut that the tears finally broke out of their cage. Everything seemed to hit in one second and it was almost too much to handle. Where were you going to go? Every other person you knew in the life was affiliated with the Winchesters in one way or another. They would side with Dean way before they would side with you.

You felt like a little girl again. Alone with nowhere to call home or noone to call a friend. As a kid it was just you and your mom, on the road twenty-four seven. Just like the Winchesters you didn't stay in one place long enough to make true friends. A part of you thought that you may have had it worse than the Winchester brothers did. At least they had each other, but you, you were all alone. No siblings, or friends, or family besides your mom, and she was never around. You felt like the scared girl you were when you first lost your mom. Young and on your own. At least now you knew how to provide for yourself a little better.

The question now was what the hell were you going to do?

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