DDM (Dean) - Jack comes to the bunker

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"Y/N/!!!" You heard your dad, Dean yell. It echoed through the hallways of the bunker all the way to your room. You knew what your dad, uncle Cas, Grandma, and uncle Sam were doing with Lucifer's kid and all. You hurried out to the main room to make sure that everyone was back in one piece. 

When you walked in to the main room you saw your Dad, Uncle Sam, and a person that you had never seen before. He looked about your age. You looked around, no uncle Cas in sight, no Grandma in sight either.  You looked at your dad and his look said enough. You knew that Cas and Grandma were gone. Honestly Cas made you sadder than your grandma. You had always thought of him as a second dad. Sam looked the same way. 

"They're gone aren't they?" you asked with a slight crack in my voice from the tears welling up. Sam walked over and bear hugged you. You let a few tears fall. You usually weren't one to cry, you were like your dad in that way, and if you did cry it was only a few tears. You stayed in the hug for a good thirty seconds. Dean then came over and took over. You hugged your dad in just the same way. It was really quiet. Everyone had tears welling up in their eyes, only me allowing them to fall, except for the person that I did not recognize. You and your dad pulled away at the same time. "Who's that?" you asked. You were still misty-eyed.

"Y/N/ this is Jack, the son of Lucifer." Sam responded quickly. 

"A little mature for a newborn don't you think?" You said with a little chuckle trying to lighten the mood, you still had a couple of tears streaming down your face. You wiped away the tears with your sleeves. "It's nice to meet you Jack" You said still with the cracks in your voice since you had just been crying. He didn't respond.

"Jack this is Y/N/ my niece and Dean's daughter." Sam said. 

Jack nodded "Nice to meet you Y/N/" he said.

"Y/N/ we need to talk in private." Your dad said. You nodded in agreement. He led the way into your room. You sat down on the bed and he shut the door and sat in your desk chair. 

"Y/N/ I want you to keep your distance from Jack, okay. He's dangerous. He's the whole reason any of this happened. Just promise me you'll try to keep some distance. I know it's going to be nearly impossible to not ever see him since he's going to be staying with us but just let me know you'll try."

"Of course dad. If you say that that's what's best then I'll do it." You gave him a faint smile He gave you the same one back. "Can I have some time alone? I just kinda want to process this a little more if that's okay." You said.

"Yeah, sure thing kiddo." And with that he got up and left.  


The next day

You got up way earlier than usual. It was 4:30 a.m. nobody was up in their right minds at this time. You went to go make some coffee and have some cereal. After that you got ready for the day. You threw on a black tee shirt, a flannel to go over it, some jeans, and your converse shoes. You put your hair into a loose braid. When you walked out of your room again you smelt bacon. You assumed your dad was up cooking breakfast. And you assumed right. Sam was sitting across from him. They both looked over at you. 

"You're up early" Sam with a surprised face. You just chuckled and went and sat down by him. "How you holdin' up?"

"I'm fine" you responded quickly. Even though, really you weren't. That's when Jack walked through the door. 

"Hello Dean, Sam, Y/N." you nodded towards him. "Y/N can I talk to you for a minuet?" he said. You looked at your dad, he gave you a disapproving look. You debated on weather or not you should. You gave Dean a sorry look, "Yeah sure thing." you said as you got up and left the room. Jack followed close behind. 

"Y/N, why does your dad hate me so much?" he asked

"He doesn't hate you Jack he's just....... just a tough guy, you know? He takes a long time to warm up to people, and trust me he's going to take a long, long time to warm up to you. He's never seen someone or met someone like you. Hell he's never even heard about someone like you. He'll end up liking you in the end. Just hold on the time will come. okay?"

"Okay." Jack said with a sad look still stuck on his face "I just don't understand why he's like that."

"He's had a long life. A lot of shit has been put on his shoulders he's been through a lot of it too. Just don't worry about it." and with that you walked back into the kitchen. Seeing an angry Dean and a worried Sam. You sat back down next to your uncle. Dean looked like he was about to yell at you but Jack walked in the room and he instantly stopped himself. 

"We'll talk later" he said, and then he walked out of the room. 


For the rest of the day you avoided Jack. You and your dad had a talk about it and he threatened to stop taking you on hunts if you didn't. So you agreed to stay awake for your hunting privileges. But it was hard, Jack was following you around the bunker like a shadow. Thankfully Sam noticed this and set him up in his room with the Star Wars series. Which he was very interested in. 

The rest of the day you didn't see Jack at all. You wanted to talk to him, ask him questions. You were just very curious, but your dad wasn't going to let that happen. You got ready for bed and just as you were going to go to bed you heard a knock on your door. "Come in" you called from your bed. When the door opened you were expecting to see your Dad. Instead you saw Jack. "Jack you need to go away." you said 


"Because I said you need to go away."


My god you thought he's just like an annoying little three year old brother that you never wanted. "Because I'm going to bed. Is that a good enough reason?" You said still in your normal voice making sure not to raise your voice. "You need to go Jack."

"Okay." he responded. As he was walking away guess who popped up behind him. Of course it was your dad. 

"Y/N what did I tell you!?!?!?! No hunting for the next two weeks you hear me?!?!?!?!" He yelled.

"But dad I" you were cut off by him yelling

"No you heard what I said, no buts. And since you argued with me it's three weeks!!!!" He yelled. Sam then came to investagate what all the yelling was about. As soon as he saw Jack in your door way and Dean in you room he knew what had happened. 

"Dean let her explain herself. She's had a long day okay." Sam said. You loved how your uncle always stood up for you. "Jack could you please give them a minuet, we can go talk in the other room." He said. Jack nodded and then Sam and Jack left the room. Leaving you and your dad. 

"Dad you have to understand, I've tried so hard all day to stay away from him like you've asked but he's been like my shadow. He's been following me around all day. Uncle Sammy was the one who had to get him away from me. And when I said that he could come in I thought it was you not him." You said 

"She's telling the truth." Sam came in "She's been trying hard all day to follow your orders." he said.

"Fine, you can still come on hunts with us." Dean sighed and said. 

"Speaking of which I think I found one" Sam said.

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