Respect: Sister!Reader

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Can you do a request where the reader is the Winchester's half sister and they treat her like shit and they were talking shit about her and they don't know she heard and she's like "Bruh, STFU and treat me like an actual sister." and leaves and Sam and Dean find her like 3 years later when she was working the same case they were and they apologize and there's a happy ending??

Super Elaborate I know and if you don't wanna do it, that's fine

A/N: So i suck and took forever to make this happen and I'm very sorry. But here it is like four or five months later. I hope you like it! I'm sorry again :(

Living as the Winchester's did wasn't an easy life. The fights, loss, tears, and blood it took was something that would take a toll on you if you didn't have anything to support you. You knew that. Your half brothers knew that.

You were a result of a one night stand that John had had. Your mother Sharron was an angel. Not literally but she was everything that a mother should be. She was caring, kind, supportive, and so much more. She was perfect. You didn't understand why someone so beautiful and pure had to be taken by a monster like cancer.

When you first met John after your mother died you believed that the evils in this world were just illnesses and horrible people. You never suspected that what you thought were make believe monsters in the dark were real. But John had to teach you these things to keep you safe, or at least that's what he claimed. Most days you didn't feel safe. Even hunting with your brothers who were famous in the hunting community for hunting all things that go bump in the night and always coming out on top made you feel nervous.

The thing you never understood about your brothers was that they claimed that family was the most important thing in life. That you should care for your family and be there for them no matter what. You agreed that it should be, but why didn't they treat you that way? You were their sister for god's sake. Sure you were a half sister, but none the less you were blood. You helped them on cases just as John had trained you to. You helped with the research for cases, helped pay the bills, helped with their emotional damage. Through every up and down you'd been there for them. That didn't seem to matter to them though. They constantly complained that you didn't do anything. They didn't care about you no matter how hard you tried to make them.

It seemed a bit pathetic, even to you, but you just wanted someone to care about you. You hadn't had that since your mom died. You wanted someone to talk to, someone to actually give a crap whether or not you came out alive on a hunt. You just wanted someone to care, and that didn't seem like too much to ask.

You were walking back to the rundown motel you and your brothers were staying at for the upcoming hunt. You had offered to go get food for the three of you and they'd both eagerly said yes. Assuming you could take the car you picked up the keys and started for the door but Dean stopped you and told you that driving his baby wasn't going to happen. It wasn't a surprise to you, of course he'd make you walk. It was something that wasn't uncommon for them to do to you.

You were thankful it wasn't too cold or hot outside. It was the perfect in between so walking wasn't totally a bitch. You'd always loved this weather, it was something nice and welcoming which you didn't encounter a lot in your life.

You always asked yourself why you didn't just get out of your brother's hair. They made it clear that they didn't really give a crap about you. Deep down you always wanted to just leave them behind and be done with them. But they were your family. The ONLY family you had left. Everyone else was gone. They were blood. They had the capacity to be good. You just had to show them that you could be good for them too. That you were capable of love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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