Late Nights, Long Fight's - Sam x reader

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Imagine Sam not coming home after he went to a bar. Dean goes out to look for him because he's worried. When he comes back he has Sam and he leaves you with him to get him to bed. You find some not so compelling evidence that leaves you to think that he has cheated on you. 


Five hours. That's how long you and Dean had been waiting for Sam to get home from the bar. You guys had just gotten back from a hard hunt. Even though you guys try to save as many lives as you can sometimes you loose people. This time it had been a fifteen year old girl. Her whole life ahead of her, dead because of some stupid Vamp had gotten to her before you guys could. And of course Sam being Sam was blaming it all on himself. He'd done this before, many times. Usually you two would talk after the hunt but he didn't say a word to you, he just left. 

Being Sam's long time girlfriend you were starting to get worried. You trusted Sam, but five hours! That's a mighty long time to be gone at a bar. You and Dean were both worried. At most he was usually gone for a couple of hours.

"This is ridiculous, still no call?" Dean asked with a slight hint of tiredness in his voice. You were both tired. It was currently two a.m. and after a hunt like the one you just had you were both emotionally and physically drained. You shook your head "No call, five hours, this is freaking crazy. Maybe we should go after him." You suggested. "But what if he comes home" his eye- brows raising "drunk Sam all alone I don't think that's a good idea." "Sigh, yeah you're right" You ran one of your hands through your hair. "How about I go get him and you stay here just in case he's stupid enough to drive home." Dean offered. "Sure, that sounds like a plan" you yawned your way through saying.  Dean got a coat and went up the bunker stairs "Do me a favor and try not to fall asleep" he jested as he headed out the door. "Screw you" you yelled in a joking matter just as he closed the door.

You sighed and threw your head back, sitting in one of the bunker's swivel chairs in the war room. Trying to stay awake with no one to talk to was rough. You felt like you'd been up forever. The few beers you and Dean had threw back probably wasn't helping. Your eyes began to feel heavier and heavier as the time passed. 

When you were about ready to give up on waiting you heard the main door creek open. You looked up and saw Dean and Sam. Dean had a arm around Sam making sure he was able to walk straight. They stumbled step by step down the stairs. "What the hell happened to him?" you jokingly questioned. "It's called getting hammered. You think maybe you could get him to bed? Trying to get him out of the bar let alone into the bunker was a joke." you giggled and responded quickly with a yes. He sighed with relief and left you alone with a super drunk Sam. 

"Alright my boyfriend, let's get you to bed." You said as you grabbed his arm and started to lead him to your guy's shared room. "Nooooooooo" he slurred and shook his arm away from your grasp. "Come on Sam, just corporate with me here just a little." you pleaded. He grunted and then reluctantly headed off to your room.

 When he got all the way there with you following close behind you closed the door and he slumped into the chair in the corner of the room.  He lifted up one of his legs signing you to help him take off his shoes. You rolled your eye's "You're such a big baby" you chuckled. "No you're a baby" a few chuckles left your mouth before you successfully got both of his shoes off.  "Why are you so bossy ?" Sam questioned. His drunk voice was clearly relevant.  You just laughed it off again, "Alrighty shoes off need help changing to into your pajamas or do you got it big-boy?". He tried to stand up in is drunken state but quickly fell back into the chair. 

"Damn, you really did get hammered." You said as you went to go help him get his shirt off. It smelled like beer, smoke, and something that you hadn't smelt before. Perfume? And maybe a hint of sex. It made your stomach wrench to even think that maybe he'd been out with another woman, but your Sam would never even think to do something like that. You pulled out one of his black tee shirts and helped him slip it on. Next were his pants. It was simple enough to get them off, you figured that trying to get him into pajama bottoms would be too much effort so you left him in his boxers. 

You led him to the bed and let him get situated into bed before starting to walk around the bed to get to your side. On the way there you almost tripped on Sam's pants, klutz move. As you did a slip of something bright pink was hanging out of one of Sam's pant pockets. You bent down and picked it up. You felt your stomach drop as soon as you examined what it was, a lacy, bright pink thong. It sure as hell wasn't yours. Your mind was racing to try and make up a scenario where that had to be okay. It had to be okay right? Sam would never cheat on you. You diverted your eyes over to his figure that was lying fast asleep on your shared bed. Your eyes were rimmed with tears, this had to be something else right?

You figured it would be better to leave this till the morning. He was a drunken mess anyway and you couldn't rely on anything he said in that state. You slipped into bed with him. Turning to face him you examined his features a little closer. His lips were swollen and there were traces of lipstick all over his face, you knew that it wasn't yours either.  There was clearly an effort to clean it off but whoever tried failed miserably. The outcome that this was going to be something other than him cheating on you seemed to keep getting slimmer and slimmer. 

Laying flat on your back you tried to let sleep consume you, but your mind was racing which made it impossible to. The questioning would have to wait for daylight. And so you waited. 

Authors note:

Hey guys! 

Sorry for not updating in like forever. I don't know what the hell happened I just got busy and no progress was made on here. I would like to do a part two to this story if you guys want it. If you do PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! I would love to hear your guys' feedback. If you have any requests please leave them! Thank you for reading ya'll are amazing!

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