You can't run and you can't hide - pt.2 demon!Dean x Daughter reader

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Darkness. That was all you were able to see when you woke up. You had no idea how long you'd been lying there against the wall. You could feel the warm pool of blood around you. Your knee had bled a lot more than you had thought. What the hell were you going to do. You couldn't really move, considering your current position. You could yell for help but that would cause Sam to come look for you and then Dean would be able to find him easier. You sat there debating, trying to think of the smartest possible way to handle the current task in front of you. 

You sat there for who knows how long until you heard the click of the door. Fear flooded over your body. When the door opened very slowly, not making one single creek, which considering how old and loud they usually were was impressive, light seeped into the room. The generator was back on, crap. You could only see the silhouette of the figure at first, but just based off of that you knew who it was. 

"Y/N/? oh god, what happened to you?" Sam asked even though the look in his eye told you that he knew. He flipped on the lights then he scampered around the room very silently, trying to find something to help your wound. He stumbled along one of Dean's duffle's which had some medical supplies He grabbed who knows what and started patching up your leg. He kept whispering encouraging words while he was wrapping it. Weather if was for your sake or his. He had Ruby's knife off to the side of your leg, making sure it was always within reach. The bleeding was contained for the moment being. 

"That'll have to due for now until I get better supplies okay bug." You nodded "Come on" he said quietly as he began to scoop you into his arms. "Sam no." your voice was weak but stern. "You're not going to carry me around here, he'll find us and then we're both dead." you argued. Your uncle, however was having none of that. "Well I'm not just going to leave you here!" he took a few deep breathes. Silence filled the room. "Cas is on his way right?" he nodded "Then just leave me here, once he gets here and you two get a hold of my dad then you can worry about me okay?" you pleaded. A sad forced smile spread across your face. His eyes were watery, he kept shaking his head "No, I can't....I won't leave you here." you heard a faint crack in his voice. 

There were no words, your mind was just went blank. You reached out and wiped the one tear that had managed to escape his eye, and kept the sad smile on. He closed his eyes took a few deep breathes. You closed your eyes too and leaned in towards him, took a few breathes trying to control the tears that were threatening to fall. Eventually he pulled away and got onto his knees. You kept your eyes closed just a little longer, but when you opened them you saw your fathers figure right behind your uncle, ready to swing his hammer into the side of his head. "DUCK!!!!" Sam hit the floor as quick as he possibly could, and succeeded in avoiding Dean's hammer. He grabbed Ruby's knife which was right by your leg, stood up and put the knife right onto Dean's throat. 

The darkness that filled your fathers eyes was quickly washed away by the familiar green ones that resembled yours. There was fear written across your uncles face, he knew what he had to do, but he wasn't strong enough to do it. He wouldn't do it, and everyone in that room knew it. 

"Well, look at you" your dad's voice was low and rough, it was almost a whisper. "Do it, it's all you" Sam continued to look deep into your fathers eyes. Your dad was blind to it but Castiel was coming in behind him. Very quietly. Your uncle dropped the knife as soon as Cas was in reach of Dean. Your father lunged towards Sam but was stopped as soon as Castiel's arms were wrapped around him. Dean struggled and fought to get away. "It's over, Dean i'ts over." Cas repeated. The thing inside your dad was screaming to get out. It was like a exorcism was being preformed right then and there. Yours and your uncle's eyes were filled with sadness. This was Dean's rock bottom. No one had quite seen him this low before. 

"Sam we need to get him to where we can finish the treatment." Cas spoke calmly. You nodded your head towards your uncle. "I'll be fine, go." Sam nodded and then they both headed for the dungeon. A heavy sigh released from you. It was finally over. Well at least the chase was over.

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