Chapter 3. DIY Life Hacks & Fun Facts

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Chapter 3. DIY Life Hacks & Fun Facts

41. Health & Fitness: Watching horror movies can burn up more than 180 calories.

42. Health & Fitness: Have the hiccups? Hold your breath and swallow three times.

43. Health & Fitness: Want to lose weight? Eat more spicy food. Spicy foods fool your taste buds into being more satisfied with smaller amounts.

44. Health & Fitness: Rub antiperspirant deodorant between your thighs to keep them from rubbing together when you wear shorts.

45. Health & Fitness: Elmer's Glue - paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads if any. Use this only if out of resources.

46. Health & Fitness: Onions and garlic are both foods that can accelerate hair growth.

47. Health & Fitness: Turn the shower to cold before you get out. It closes your pores and makes you less likely to get acne.

48. Health & Fitness: The scent of bananas actually contains a compound that can help you lose weight.

49. Health & Fitness: Eating watermelons can help reduce acne breakouts and keep skin fit and healthy.

50. Health & Fitness: (Life Tip) If you can't afford condoms, you can't afford kids.

51. Health & Fitness: 15 straight minutes of laughter has the same health and fitness benefits as 30 minutes of sit-ups.

52. Health & Fitness: When you feel the urge to drink or smoke, go for a run, do 20 sit ups, etc. You'll start to associate quitting the habit with being.

53. Health & Fitness: If you're stressed, try running. Outside of meditation, it's one of the best ways to clear your mind.

54. Health & Fitness: Eating your food slowly will help you lose weight, enjoy your food, reduce stress, and lead to better digestion.

55. Health & Fitness: Eating mangoes before smoking marijuana can heighten its effects! We recommend eating mangoes alone is better.

56. Health & Fitness: If you have painful gas, lay on your back and lift your left knee to your chest. You'll fart it right out.

57. Health & Fitness: Hate the feeling of cold eyedrops in your eye? Run the bottle under hot water for a few seconds, then do it. You'll barely feel them.

58. Health & Fitness: Recipe for relaxation: exhale completely, inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds.

59. Health & Fitness: Want to lose weight? Don't eat anything four hours before going to bed. It makes a huge difference.

60. Health & Fitness: To clear stuffy nose easily you can push your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then press finger between eyebrows. Repeat 20 seconds.

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