Chapter 5. DIY Life Hacks & Fun Facts

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Chapter 5. DIY Life Hacks & Fun Facts

81. Brainy: Have a good 20-minutes work out in the morning. Then you can be lazy for the rest of the day, and you won't feel guilty.

82. Brainy: If you chew gum when you study a subject and then chew the same flavored gum when you take the test, it can help you remember.

83. Brainy: You can predict your future adult height with almost 100% accuracy by doubling your height at age two.

84. Relationship: Create something creative together. Be anything: a small craft, a creative meal, an event or anything.

85. Brainy: Taking notes on a computer? Use a weird or fancy font. Studies have shown that the uniqueness will make you more likely to remember them.

86. Brainy: If you are buying headphones/speakers, test them with Bohemian Rhapsody. It has the complete set of highs and low in instrumentals and vocals.

87. Brainy: "Rhythm" "zephyr," and "sphynx" are the three best possible hangman words.

88. Brainy: Playing Tetris can increase brain power by almost 150%.

89. Brainy: Need to give CPR? Compress their chest hard to the beat of "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees, the tempo is the correct timing of compressions.

90. Brainy: Solve "Spot the Difference" puzzles instantly by crossing your eyes. The differences will appear immediately.

91. Relationship: Gifts are the coal in love fire. Buy something useful instead of swanky like get her/him a sketchbook if he's/she's got the talent but doesn't do anything about it, or a guitar if he/she ever discussed her/his love for it.

92. Brainy: Putting batteries in the refrigerator for a day before using them will double their lifespan.

93. Brainy: If your area is ever below 32o degrees this winter or in any winter. Go outside and blow bubbles. They instantly turn into ice.

94. Brainy: Remove unpleasant odor in smelly shoes or gym bags by placing dry tea bags in them or laundry dry wipes. For smelly shoes, put them in the freezer overnight or use dryer sheets as an incredibly effective shoe deodorizer. It will kill the bacteria and get rid of the stink.

95. Brainy: If there's an annoying customer behind you in the checkout line, you can press all four corners of the credit card machine to have it reset.

96. Brainy: Looking for something? Scan right to left with your eyes. You'll pick up more since your brain isn't used to reading that way.

97. Brainy: Suspect someone's giving you the wrong number? Read it out loud back to them incorrectly; if they correct you, it's legit.

98. Brainy: Create a phone contact called "ignore" and make the ringtone of that contact silent. Add in whoever you don't want to talk to.

99. Relationship: Keep that toilet seat lid down. It creates more problems in married lives than her close friends.

100. Brainy: When you have kids, watch the movie "2012" with them and tell them that you survived that.

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