Chapter 6. DIY Life Hacks & Fun Facts

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Chapter 6. DIY Life Hacks & Fun Facts

101. Extras: Swipe left or right on the iPhone calculator to delete the last digit. This way, you won't have to start all over.

102. Extras: If you signup on NASA will email or text you when the International Space Station is passing over your location.

103. Brainy: Don't delay acting on a good idea. Chances are someone else has thought of it too. Success comes to the ones who acts first.

104. Health & Fitness: Reading a book before going to bed tires your eyes. As a result, your brain is tricked into feeling tired and falling asleep is easier.

105. Relationship: If it's your partner's turn to wash the clothes. It's 6am; it's cold and rainy and you feel lazy. Without a word, get up and do that shit. A simple action like this is like money in the bank for a relationship.

106. Relationship: It's kinda important for you and your spouse to discuss your stands on children. This ought to be talked about before you choose to be with your partner for the rest of your life.

107. Relationship: According to studies, it will take and it does takes three years to truly know the person you're with. Don't rush into something.

108. Health & Fitness: If you weigh over 400 Lbs (pounds), you can live a year without eating anything.

109. Health & Fitness: At a party? Tell people you're not drinking. People will start offering you a free drink.

110. Health & Fitness: Eating spicy foods boosts your metabolism and you can lose weight.

111. Health & Fitness: Run the razor across old jeans to sharpen and extend its life.

112. Health & Fitness: Lemon juice + Vinegar = DIY Nail Polish Remover.

113. Art: You can make your own paint by adding 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of water and food coloring of your choice.

114. Fun Fact: The oldest word in the English language is "town."

115. Fun Fact: One penny doubled every day becomes over 5 million dollars in just 30 days.

116. Fun Fact: Did you know bullet proof vests, fire escapes, and windshield wipers and laser printers were all invented by women?

117. Fun Fact: It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 frown.

118. Fun Fact: If you wear headphones or earplugs for one hour, it increases bacteria in your ears 700x times.

119. Fun Fact: You can't fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.

120. Fun Fact: A single drop of water contains one hundred billion billion atoms.

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