Adolescence, Adjustments and Aches (Part 2)

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(a/n: if any weather things and holiday times are wrong then just pretend that it'd be how it's described, it is fanFICTION after all. And I don't live in Belleville, New Jersey so I wouldn't know)

It was a dry Saturday morning and Gerard was sprawled on his bed naked, he was hot and home alone so he could lie nude in peace. His parents and Mikey were at some school meeting for all the fifth graders and they had unfortunately had to go, but that just meant Gerard could dance around blasting music as loud as he wanted to. He heard his phone buzz and lazily checked the message.

Mama: It turns out this meeting only finishes at one. Then after that we need to drop off something at Grandma's. So we're only going to be home at around three. Please be responsible and don't eat all the food.

Gerard typed back a thumbs up and continued to lie on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He had kind of zoned out of reality when his phone suddenly buzzed again.

Gosh can i not rest in peace, Gerard thought. 

His heart stopped when he read who it was from-


The same Frank who had basically ignored Gerard the whole of Middle School.

It wasn't that they didn't notice each other, they definitely did notice all the small changes. Puberty was being quite kind to them and they were maturing into gorgeous young men, there was still the occasional pimple or so that was noticeable but that didn't stunt their good looks one bit.

Gerard has noticed how the once shy boy was now one of the most popular kids in school and how he carried himself with confidence. Gerard on the other hand had become a sarcastic, pessimistic introvert who only socialized with his small group of friends, the happy assertive personality had disappeared along with Frank and Gerard's relationship.

And now that they were finished middle school and were starting high school after the holidays, it was clear that the two were no more than strangers to each other. It was as if they hadn't ever been friends and they hadn't shared each other's first kiss or been each other's first loves.

Their parents had also noticed but they didn't want to interfere and so they just stayed out of it. Although Linda and Donna stayed good friends and visited each other regularly. 

What could Frank possibly want now?

Frank: Hey Gerard, it's me. I was wondering if I could come over. I know it's super weird timing but would your mom be okay with that?

Gerard just sat there with his phone in his hand for what seemed like hours, trying to decide what to say. Yes he very much wanted Frank to come over but why now suddenly?

Apprehensively Gerard typed back "Sure, my parents and Mikey aren't going to be home until much later so it's fine."  

Frank: Okay, I'll be there soon.

What had he just agreed to? 

Gerard mentally cursed himself then realized he was still naked and scrambled to get on some clothes. He pulled on a shirt with Darth Vader on the front and tugged on some dark blue shorts then made sure his room looked decent. 

When he heard the doorbell Gerard swore his heart froze but he forced himself to put on a brave face and tried to open the door as casually as possible, and not like the boy he had loved and to be honest still loved was standing on the other side. 

The second their matching hazel eyes met, the world suddenly became fuzzy and Gerard felt the butterflies erupt through him and little did he know- Frank felt the same.

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