Trust Me

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(a/n: Kinda emotional at the end. P.S. sorry in advance.)

"Frank?" Gerard pulled off of Frank, the sudden loss of warmth caused Frank to shiver.

"I wanna cuddle." Frank grumbled.

"I need to talk to you about something important." Frank became concerned at the serious tone of the ivory skinned boy who sat on his bed.

"I wanted to have a friend over for a little bit, his name is Bert and he'd just sleep over at my house for two or three days."

Frank furrowed his brows together. He didn't like the idea of some guy staying over at Gerard's house, especially someone he didn't know.

"He's in college and he's a really great guy. Bert used to be friends with Jepha until he found about him cheating, he even helped me through the breakup. When I was an emotional wreck he would bring me food, and cuddle me so I could fall asleep and my parents liked him too. Nothing ever happened between us, we were just friends, but he really helped me get over Jepha. I know you get jealous kinda easily but I swear he's not interested in me." 

Gerard looked at Frank expectantly with raised eyebrows.

"What do you want me to say? I can't say I'm that happy with him coming over because I don't know what he's like yet-"

"He's really nice, Frank." Gerard interrupted. Frank sighed then kissed Gerard on his dainty hand.

"Okay, if it'll make you happy then I don't mind. But then I'm going to sleep over the nights he stays, just in case."

"In case what?"

"He might try to do something and I want to be here if he does."

Gerard rolled his eyes and huffed.

"What does Mikey think about this?" Frank questioned.

"He's not going to be here. He's going to Bob's house again for the whole weekend. Frank, he's my friend and you need to get to know him well. Please, for me, just be nice to him."

Gerard looked at Frank with pleading eyes and Frank knew he couldn't refuse his beautiful boyfriend.

"Okay, fine, you can trust me that I'll be as nice as possible. But I'm still going to be here when he's visiting."

"Thank you. I love you." Gerard pressed his soft lips against Frank's and the latter instantly melted into the kiss. No matter how many times he kissed those lips, Frank would still get a fluttery feeling in his stomach.

Gerard's lips were quite slimy but that was because Gerard was often singing random songs around the house, but Frank loved the feeling of Gerard's lips.

Frank didn't like the texture of his own lips because they were extremely dry and chapped. But Gerard still seemed to enjoy sucking on and kissing them.

They were just happy they could taste each other's lips whenever they wanted to, and they wouldn't prefer anyone else in the world kissing them.


It was a Saturday afternoon when Bert arrived and Frank would tell you, he wasn't very impressed.

Bert was a skinny man with long greasy black hair and very hard facial features. He was quite intimidating and didn't look very trustworthy. He showed up with  just one bag and basically let himself into the house.

Gerard welcomed Bert with a big hug which made Frank kind of jealous but he just clenched his jaw and shook Bert's hand, plastering a fake smile on his face.

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