Okay fine, I Don't Care

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This was how Gerard felt after receiving a very strange phone call from Frank the day after it happened. 

"Hey Gerard, I just wanted to say that yesterday was a mistake. We shouldn't have done what we did and I just want us to forget it ever happened, it was stupid and we were just hormonal teenagers who didn't know what we were doing. I messed up big time and I completely wrecked our friendship and I'm really sorry, I just don't think we can be friends anymore. I'm just really sorry."

Gerard felt a wave of emotions wash over him and suddenly his whole chest felt constricted. It was as if someone had lit a fire inside of him and it was slowly spreading, Gerard choked and coughed as he desperately tried to breathe properly. His brain felt like it was clouded with fog and he felt as if his brain wasn't connected to the rest of his body and he couldn't will himself to move. Gerard couldn't tell whether the world around him was moving or he was shaking and he swore the room had suddenly dropped dramatically in temperature. Then it felt like a thousand needles suddenly stabbed into his flesh and he felt tingly all over. Gerard felt himself lose control of his body and everything faded to black. 


"Gerard! Gerard!" A panicked voice shouted as Gerard's eyes slowly fluttered open, his parents and Mikey were kneeling around him, their expressions painted with fear and shock.

"Gerard, honey, I need you to tell me what happened." Donna carefully helped Gerard off his bedroom floor and helped him sit on the bed. 

Gerard pressed a cold finger to his head as it throbbed in pain. He groaned as the memory came flooding back and he choked back a sob.

"Honey, just breathe. Here, drink some water." Gerard took the glass of water from his mom and took a big gulp, letting the crisp liquid glide down his throat.

"Okay now try to tell me what happened." 

Gerard's eyes were filled with tears making his eyes glossy as he looked at his dad and brother expectantly. Donna caught on and nodded her head in the direction of the door and they quickly left, closing the door behind them. That's when Gerard lost all control and the tears poured out like a waterfall down his red cheeks as he let out heartbroken sobs, Donna rubbed soothing circles on Gerard's back.

"It's F-Fr-Frank-" Gerard gasped as he tried to get as much air as possible before continuing, "-He-we...we did something yesterday..." He tried to calm his weeping but little gasps still escaped his quivering lips.

"What did you do?" Donna asked in a sweet, gentle voice. Gerard's eyes widened as he realized that he did not really want to tell his mother what exactly him and Frank had done. 

"We-we just...okay mom we had sex, please don't make a big deal about it." Gerard tried to look away so his mom didn't see his tomato pigmented cheeks.

"Oh." Donna's expression turned from concern to realisation.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Gerard, everyone has sex eventually and it's good you're doing it with someone you love. Just be responsible."

"God, mom. That's not the reason, well kinda, it's just all fu-messed up." Gerard threw himself back on to his bed dramatically and sighed.
"Frank decided we can't be friends because of what happened so I've just lost my best friend and he hates me now and I just want the world to swallow me."

Gerard started sobbing again.
Donna sat for a few seconds trying to assess the situation until she carefully brushed a strand of Gerard's hair out of his face and looked into those big hazel ponds that were salty with tears.

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