Suck It Up Buddy

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(a/n: Stuff goes down and it's a little bit emotionally intense)

Frank was still fuming over what had happened the day before and he had made it clear that he wasn't in the mood for chatting and joking around. Just Brendon and Dallon were hanging out with Frank because the rest of the gang were scattered around doing important things, well it was more just Dallon and Brendon talking because Frank had been silent the whole day. 

"But Hayley was a great cheerleader." Brendon noisily chewed gum as he spoke.

"Yeah, but Lynn was better at the tumbles and jumps." Dallon argued. 

Frank was curious why they were discussing who was the better cheerleader but he honestly didn't care enough to ask. Then he noticed Gerard and Remi walking over to where they were standing, Remi's hand tightly holding on to Gerard's hip. Today Gerard was wearing his usual outfit of a band shirt, black jeans, black converse and, of course, eyeliner and he looked stunning. His porcelain skin contrasted his dark clothes, making it even easier to spot the large crimson hickey on his pale neck. 

Frank gritted his teeth together but chose to show that he really didn't care about the fact that Remi and Gerard had indeed had sex the night before. Because he obviously didn't care one bit.

"Hey guys." Remi gave a small wave, to which the group waved back except for Frank, before pulling Gerard in and making out with him as roughly as he had the day before. 

"God." Frank muttered under his breath. Remi pulled away from Gerard and looked at Frank with a puzzled expression on his face.

"He's not just your personal fuck toy for you to use whenever you please." Frank growled, for such a short man he sure did have a lot of aggression.

"Frank what the fuck? Gerard and I know where we stand with each other, we don't want to be in a relationship but we still want the intimacy. Is that so wrong?" Remi held Gerard closer.

"Gerard has feelings! You can't just ignore those!" Frank felt all his rage erupt and his fists were clenched tightly.

"He knows I have feelings! Can't you just worry about yourself and stay out of other people's lives?" Gerard shouted, this caught Frank off guard. The two hadn't directly spoken to each other in so long that Frank didn't know how to react to this, all he could do was stand there with his mouth open and eyes wide.

"Come on baby, let's go." Remi and Gerard walked away, leaving Frank shocked and Brendon and Dallon perplexed.

"Okay...what the fuck just happened?" Dallon was the first to speak.

"Dude, are you okay?" Brendon noticed the tears in Frank's eyes and he immediately became concerned, because he'd never seen Frank cry before.

"I need to go." 

Frank didn't give them a chance to reply as he quickly ran off towards the bathrooms. And before he knew it he found himself sobbing in a cubicle, and it was all because of Gerard. The same boy he'd once loved had spoken to him after years of being ignored and his words kept flashing in Frank's mind.

Stay out of other people's lives.

That's basically what he'd told Gerard to do, he'd told Gerard that they couldn't be friends anymore and had pretended he didn't exist to force him to stay out of his life. 



The time where everyone got sweaty and grumpy because nobody actually wanted to be there.

Gerard was one of the people who hated gym with a passion, he was not athletic and he didn't enjoy any type of physical activity unless there was pleasure involved. 

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