Chapter 10

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Tamara tugged Althea out of the door with her other sister's following closely behind. 

"I can't believe him. I can never do anything without him getting mad. It's like he just wants me to sit in this sewer forever."

Althea rambled on until Kyna held up a hand. 

"You realize he has every reason to be mad right?"

Althea narrowed her eyes at her sister.

"And what makes you say that?"

Tamara pushed Luana behind her just in case things got a little to heated. 

"Well you do tend to disappear for days on end without telling him anything and when you do come back, you act like nothing happened. Donnie told me that he literally stays up freaking out every time you leave because he doesn't know if you're coming back."

Althea stopped for a moment. She did have a point. But it wasn't her fault that she had gotten so caught up in all of this. If she hadn't left him, she wouldn't have found her sisters. He'd have to understand that there were just somethings she couldn't explain to him. 

"I guess you're right but you know I can't tell him about all of this. And if N.E.S.T so much as gets a glimpse at them, we're all in trouble. I just have to keep him away from them and vice versa until everything can get smoothed out."

Althea knew that was going to be a lot harder than it sounded.

The girls were barely on the surface when their phones went off. Althea answered hers first to a worrisome Dino who demanded to know where they were. 

"We're right outside the UN Building",  Althea said leaning up against a parking meter. She wasn't lying. They were actually right outside the UN Building. Donnie had found a path from the lair that lead near the UN Building on one of their night watches. The four girls entered the building where their four human substitutes were waiting. Dino gave her a half relieved/ half annoyed smile.  

"I'm assuming that you guys were shopping?", he asked as a security guard guided them towards the elevators.

"You can say that", Althea replied as she inspected the building. You never know when you'll need a getaway plan. 

"Well this meeting should only take a few minutes. Just dropping off your information and signing some papers."

Dino was right. It only took about 15 minutes for the girls to finish off their paperwork (though they had to help Luana with a few pages of it). Once they were done, the Autobots left for the N.E.S.T building to get some training in. 

"We'll be home but 12am and I expect you guys to be there too" was the last thing Dino said before they drove off. It was now about 6pm and Althea already knew what her sister's wanted to do.

"Come on Thea", Luana said pulling her arm. 

"Lets get back to the lair."

Once the girls arrived back they found that everyone was there except Raph. She followed Tamara into the kitchen where Leo was standing, making tea. 

"Where's your brother?",  Althea asked sitting on the counter. 

"He said that he was going to see April", he told her. 

The knot in Althea's stomach released a bit. There was nothing wrong with seeing April. Just as she was about to ask something else, laughter filled the living room. She recognized three of the laugh as April's, Casey's and Raph's but the fourth was unfamiliar. When she turned around, there was another girl. She had her hand on Raph's arm and Althea could feel her blood boiling. 

"Hey guys. This is Mackenzie! She went to school with Casey", April said introducing the mystery girl to Althea and Tamara. Leo seemed to already know her but that didn't stop Althea from asking some questions. 

"You sure she doesn't work for the Foot?", Althea asked plainly. 

Mikey snorted from the living room floor and Raph sent her a glare. 

"She doesn't", he replied matching her animosity"

"You better be sure because last time you brought a random girl down here, you guy got kidnapped and I almost died."

The entire room was dead silent at this point with just Althea and Raph locked in an icy stare down. 

"I promise she's safe", Casey interjected. 

"Yeah", Raph said pushing past him and getting mere inches from Althea. 

"I knew I had to pick my girl wisely."

The world seemed to stop around Althea as she latched onto his words. Everyone including Mackenzie looked just as shocked as she did. 

"I mean we're not in a relationship", Mackenzie put in. "We've just been hanging out lately. I really like him though."

Althea closed her eyes so she could fight the temptation to literally punch both of them. 

"So you mean to tell me you've had a whole other girl behind my back?", she asked plainly. The calmness in her voice scared even Raph a little bit. 

"What and you think I don't know you've been sneaking around with another guy? You can cut the crap about being on some government work. You really expected me to believe that? Well I'm not going to let you keep using me like this."

Whatever patience Althea had evaporated immediately.

"You know what Raph? You're right. I've been flying to D.C to go see some guy who was my dad's partner before he died. Both my parents are dead and I've essentially taken over the work that they started. I met my sister's at the N.E.S.T base for training in D.C. You know what I'm talking about the Non-Biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty. You remember how tense I got when the news report came on about N.E.S.T opening  a new base in Los Angeles? It's because I didn't want you to know.  Our parents worked for their New York base and they got killed by the Foot Clan trying to protect this city. I've kept that from you because if N.E.S.T gets any type of information about you or your brothers, they'll do anything to find you. So excuse me for trying to protect my boyfriend..excuse me my ex boyfriend."

Althea didn't even wait for a reaction as she pushed off the counter and headed out of the lair, not even paying attention to where she was going or if anyone else was behind her. Being caught between two worlds had finally caught up to her and it freaking sucked. 

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