Dating Maria Kyle would include

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- You met because Maria was initially trying to scam you

- But she ended up falling for you instead

- She didn't want to lose you so she told you the truth

- It took you some time to forgive her but you eventually worked things out

- You talked her into going back to Gotham to try to fix her relationship with Selena

- Selena didn't trust you and especially didn't trust her mother

- Maria wanted to give up and leave town

- But you convinced her to stay

- Helping Maria deal with the people she hurt in the past

- And all her debts Getting her out of the scamming business and finding a real job

- Maria and Selena slowly built a foundation layer of trust and decided they could move forward with time

- Neither of you saw Selena often but when you did you actually felt like a family 

- Protecting each other from the dangers of Gotham 

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