Chapter 2

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"Hi im Olivia Jane Stanford" I smile. She returns my smile with one of her own. She guides me inside and to the kitchen.

"You guys have a wonderful home" I admire looking around in the log cabin.

"Danny's dad made it before he...." Mrs. Dona said wiping her eyes.

"Left us." Danny finished. Mrs. Dona nods.

"So i have heard so much about you Mrs. Stanford" Mrs. Dona says changing the subject. "Good things"

"Have you?" I say in relief. She nods.

"But not quiet enough" Mrs. Dona glares at Danny, who puts his hands up. I hide my smile.

"If you have any questions Mrs. Dona, don't be afraid to ask" I reassured her. She nods. Then we get into deep conversation, for about 30 minutes.

"Okay!! No need for the baby photos" Danny says practically lifting me up out of my seat. I look back at Mrs. Dona.

"Next time" she mouths i laugh and nod. Daniel guides me down a long maze of hallways and finally he opens his door into his room. His room is regular size, Queen bed, flat screen T.V, dresser, closet, and all the regular stuff. I sit on his bed.

"Soooooo" I say looking around his room.

"So" Danny says leaning against his door. There was a awkward silence until my phone broke out. I pull it out of my back pocket and answer it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Livvy??" Kat asked.

"Yes" I said.

"There is a huge sale at the mall!!" Kat shrieks.

"I am on a date" I say quieter.

"Yaaa but its the mall!!! AND THERES A SALE!!!!!" Kat pleads. I sigh. I pull the phone away from my face.

"Danny, i have had so much fun... we should do this again" I said smiling. He nods. I put the phone back up to my ear.

"Meet me at my house" I said. I heard shrieks then the call ended. I sighed. We pulled up into my driveway.

"Thanks again Danny" I said unbuckling. He leaned in for what looked like a kiss. But i figured out a plan. Play hard to get. So i acted like i didn't see it and hopped out of the car. I look back and he is pushing back his hair. I open the door and grin. Lillie and Lucy meet me at the door. I run upstairs to meet Kat and Sammy staring at me when i opened my room door.

"GET CHANGED!!!" Sammy squeals. I nod and grab what i was going to wear to Danny's house,and change into tight, ripped, short shorts. When i finish changing i face Kat and Sammy.

"Yes!!! Alrighty lets goooooo" Kat says anxiously.

"My car" i said as we opened opened the garage door. I unlock my porsche (i have multiple cars)

and get in the front, joined by Kat and Sammy.


I pull into the nearest parking spot, which was conveniently is right next to our favorite store. Forever 21. We all get out of the car and walk towards the entrance. For some reason i love the smell of mall........ I am not weird.

"Hi, do you need help finding anything?" A girl a little older than us asks.

"No" I say walking away. As i walk i look at every rack. I look around.

"I thought you said there was going to be a sale today!??" I say to Kat crossing my arms. She shrivels back. I sigh turn and keep walking. I stop when i see that reporter girl a few aisles down. I walk casually and slowly to the next aisle. I almost made it when-

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