Chapter 10

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I walk into the room, and inch towards the chair, regrets flowing through my brain. 

"Come on honey, we don't got all day" Juliette pulls me to the chair.

"CAREFUL! I HAVE A MANICURE!! gosh." I say checking on my nails. She hands me a cup that looks like water.

"Drink it" She demands. I nod and swallow down the strange liquid.


I appear in a field. I stand up out of the chair, and look around.

"Ok honey, this is a reaction test, so i can see what wings you need" Juliette's voice says. I nod, at nothing. I see a man walking up to me from a far distance. Once he gets closer, i notice he is huge, abnormally big for a human.

"A threat, what do you do?" Juliette says. I get in a fighting position. He comes closer. I kick him square in the face. I get ready for a hit, but he transforms into a little girl, and the field turns into a crowded city. The girl transports to the top of a tall building.

"Save her" Juliette says. I look down at what i am wearing a tight black leather outfit, my hands have suckers on them. 

"Either save you from dying by going on the inside, and risk her dying, or go up the building." Juliette says. I run straight to the building, and jump up to attach my self to it. The building transform underneath me into a construction building, which had no walls only orange bars. The little girl transforms into a baby. My suckers leave me for gloves. I climb carefully placing each foot. I grab a bar over me, and step on a bar below me. The bar holding my feet disappears. I hang onto the bar with one hand. I swing my other arm up to brace myself, followed by me swinging my body up. Good thing i did that class of Gymnastics. I continue climbing, i reach a small platform where the baby is sitting. I climb up on the platform and run to the baby, before i get there the baby turns and walks off the building. I sprint as fast as i can and jump after the baby. I reach for the baby, and a hanging pole. I feel a jerk in both of my arms, a pain is sent up my arm. I look down at my hand. I am grasping the baby, by its diaper. I sigh in relief, and pull the baby up to me. It transforms into a toddler. 

"Wrap your hands around me, its okay i have you" I reassure the toddler. She looks scared, but nods and wraps her arms around me. I start climbing down the building.  Once i reach the floor the toddler releases me and runs to her parents. 


"You would risk your life to save another?" Juliette asks. I am drenched in fear sweat. I take deep breaths and nod. "And you succeeded"  I shrug 

"What did the others do?" I ask.

"Well Kat, went inside the building and up the elevator. She did not save the baby. And Sam on the other hand, she climbed all the way up the building and jumped off, but the baby slipped out of her hands." Juliette says. I nod, still out of breath.

"Wings?" I manage to say. 

"Ok, follow me." She says taking me into the wing room.

"You can pick from anything except the Golden Wings." She said. I sighed. I looked all around. Something drew me to light blue wings that faded out into white towards the tips. 

"These" I say pointing to the wings.

"275 gotcha" Juliette says. A woman walks in and takes down the wings then takes me into another room. She shows me to a long flat chair, bed thing. I lay down stomach down.

"So how would we do this?" I ask.

"Shh" She says, from the corner of my eyes i see her pick up a needle. It goes black. I wake up no pain at all.

"Finished" The lady said. I stand up and look in the mirror. 

"Where are they?" I say noticing i have no wings on my back.

"Say wings" She rushed me.

"Wings" I repeated. My wings spring out of my back. 

"Woah. Pretty" The lady admired. I smiled and nodded. "Now wardrobe" She grasps my wrist, and tugs me into the next room. 

"Blue, and Black" The woman said to another. 

"Can i know your name?" I asked.

"Anything" She shrugged

"Ok you will be..... Georgia" I said. Georgia nodded, then the other lady took me into a dressing room. 

"Try on this, first without wings, then bring them out" She said walking out. I look at what she hung on the rack. All leather, matching blue stripes wrap around the whole shirt, and down the sides. I pull the shirt on. It was long sleeve, and comfortably tight. I pulled on the bottoms. They fit like super skinny jeans, but comfy. I pull out my wings, and the whole outfit went together. I walk outside.

"Perfect, what size shoe do you wear?" Georgia asks. 

"Uhmm..... sevens" I studder. 

"Big foot" Georgia jokes. She picks up all light blue boot high heels, cute, i may add. I pull them on my feet. They were cute, and didn't even feel like high heels at all. 

"Where is Kat and Sam?" I ask Georgia. She takes me outside the building and points up. I see two girls flying in circles in the sky. I was about to lift off when i felt a firm hand on my shoulder. I turn to a guy. Ice blue eyes. Brown hair geled to the point. Dark jeans. No shirt. Abs. Pure Hotness. I practically die on the inside.

"You need to learn before you try" He said. 

"Oh. Can you teach me?" I asked. He nodded. The next 80 minutes was him teaching me how to do everything. 

"Can i fly now??" I long. He nodded and flew straight up in the air and waited for me. I bolted staight up. I felt the wind through my hair. For once i felt free. I caught up to him.

"So.... i never caught your name" I said flapping my wings so i wouldn't fall. 

"My name is Jason. What's yours?" Jason asked flapping his wings at the same time as me.

"Olivia, my friends call me Livvy" I smiled. He returned mine with one of his own. His smile could light up the darkest of days.

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