Chapter 18

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Blaines POV

The bell rings, so i gather up my books into my string bag the start walking out. Zach comes out of his class and meets me perfectly on time.

"Don't look now but a group of girls are following us" Zach whispers. I sigh. Being popular sucks sometimes. I see Alyssa walking towards me, she flips her brown hair out of her face and i tingle inside. It was like slow motion as she walks towards me, perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect eyes. Everything perfect. The slow motion stops as she gets to my side, i put my arm around her shoulders and hear sighs behind me, but i keep walking like nothing happened. I see the head cheerleader, and her possy behind her with all there cheer leading stuff. I groan. She spots me, here it comes.

"BLAINEY!" She shrieks and runs to my side glaring at Alyssa. 

"What do you want Brittney?" I groan. She smiles to much.

"My boyfriend" She says like i am stupid.

"Brittney... we broke up 2 months ago" I said, i felt Alyssa stiffen.

"3" I hear Alyssa mutter.

"We can still work! You and me are perfect!" She says blinking alot.

"Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it" I groan. Zach snorts but stops when Brittney glares at him. 

"I am Cheer Captain you are the football captain! WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!" She starts yelling. 

"According to who?" I ask.

"ME! YOU SAID YOU AND ME WERE PERFECT TOGETHER!" She yells i start walking off. I felt Alyssa stiffen again. 

"WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER! UGH!" She yells after me.

"That one was new" Alyssa says staring ahead of her.

"I never said that" I looked at her.

"How do i know that? You say ALOT of things Blainey"  She glares at me.

"Are you on your monthly-" 

"NO! WERE OVER" She screams and stomps off. I stop and stare at her as she storms off. I glance at Zach and he is awestruck too. 

"What. Just. Happened?" He manages to say.

"She just broke up with me...." I say rubbing my forehead confused. Then Jordan runs up to me slaps my face then runs back. Zach stares back at her.

"Hot" He mutters.

"Dude." I groan still confused.

"Oh right. Okay dude you can have everyone in the school you want" He says glancing at me.

"Yea i want her" I said rubbing the back of my neck. 

"You can have Brittney.... you had fun with her..." He suggests. 

"DUDE QUIT IT" I snap.

"Okay are you on your period" He jokes. I had to laugh at this. I see my cousin Paige walk up to me.

"Hey Paige" I said.

"I heard you broke up with Alyssa" She frowns.

"Yea, i don't even know what happened... and how do you know?" I ask confused.

"Word spreads- word spreads" She repeats herself. She fixes her glasses.


"Cant you go out with Brit-"

"Don't even say her name" I groan.


"Its fine." I say as we walk out the doors and i see my bus pulling out and i see Alyssa staring out the window. I sigh and collapse in on the floor and lean on the floor Paige on one side Zach on the other. I called my mom to come take us home. I run upstairs after getting home and drop my book bag on the floor. 

"Summer. Alyssa" I said quietly. I felt water rushing to my eyes but i pushed them back and changed into basketball shorts and put on my running shoes. I walk outside and my bare chest feels the rays of the sun. I push off and start running.

why did she break up with me....

did i do something?

did i offend her?

i slow down at the park and walk around there to take a break. I had ran two miles in what felt like 2 seconds. I start running again and a girl with her hood up run past me. I sprint to pass her. She runs past her.

What the?

I sprint and past her trying to catch a glimpse of her. She had ice blue eyes and was pretty. I came across a crosswalk and waited for her. She was there shortly after i stopped.

"What was that for?!" She asks taking her hood off. Black hair.

"What?" I ask  putting my hands on the back of my neck stretching my cramps out.

"You were playing leap frog" She said putting her weight on one foot and stretches the other then repeats the other foot.

"Leap frog? I was running" I said acting innocent.

"You just dont like to loose to a girl do you" She says glaring at me.

"Me? Loose? Ha!" I laugh.

"Fine. Race me, by the way, name Mai" She says. I nod and the light turns and we push off we mainly stay next to each other, she goes left and i follow her, she turns right, then left again. 

"Were are we running to exactly and what does Mai mean" I ask continuing to run. 

"Mai means Coyote, its Japanese and up there at that building!" She points i look to where she was pointing and it was a hotel. 

"Okay" I said thinking nothing of it. I sprint ahead and finish before her. 

"I won" I laugh.

"Maybe you did" She frowns.

"How did you know to come here?" I ask looking at the, old, broken down hotel. 

"Just follow me and here" She says handing me a knife.

"Um.. okaY?" I ask. we walk into the hotel and up the stairs.

"Wait here.." She says running ahead of me. Does she live here? No... cant be... she is wearing yoga pants and a under armour sweat shirt. 

"IEDEREEN HIER?" She yells. Dutch? "Yes! hier! Die met u ??" I hear a little kid responds

"vriend" She responds. The lights turn on.

"I didnt know you spoke Dutch" I say amazed. 

"Follow me" She says. We walk up the stairs and into a room. I look around and see a little girl on a ripped bed wearing ripped clothing. 

"Who's she?" I ask.

"gedag zeggen hij is engels" She says to her.

"Inglesh" The litte girl trys to pronounce English.

"Hi" I say smiling

"Help me hide her" Mai says.

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