Chapter 3

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I lay in bed thinking about school, and what i should wear.

"Honey? Are you awake?" My mom asks through the speaker. I hold down the button..

"Yes" I say, i roll out of my bed and walk to my bathroom. I do my make-up and all that bathroom stuff. Then i walk to my closet and look through it.

"Hmm..... I need something for Danny, but also play Hard to get" I say aloud to myself. I pick out my skinny jeans, a skin tight camouflage shirt, that shows a little bit of my stomach. I walk back to the bathroom, and straighten my hair. I put in a black head band and look in the mirror. I nod to myself. After admiring myself, i walk downstairs for breakfast. I hear in my parents room yelling. Even popular girls have problems. I hold back the tears and walk to the fridge. I pull out a protein shake. I drink it up, and that usually fills me up. I run upstairs to brush my teeth and reapply my lipstick. I put on my all black vans, grab my backpack, phone, and keys. I walk outside to the garage. Drew's black mustang is gone so he already left, because he has weight lifting in the morning. I get in my car and drive out of our gate. I have 30 more minutes left, so i decide to go to Starbucks and get my usual Iced Caramel Macciato. After i finally get my drink and walk out the door 20 minutes had passed, Starbucks was always packed. I drive to school and park in my reserved spot, i bought, which was right in front of my first period class, and Danny's spot is right next to me. I smile at the thought of Danny, then remember i am playing Hard to get. I get out (With my Starbucks) and lock my car. I walk into Mr. Johns class, for homeroom. I see Danny sitting in his usual seat, i sit next to him in all the classes we have together. I walk over and put my backpack in my chair, then walk to Sammy.

"Hey, i didn't see Kat's car is she ok?" I asked sipping my Starbucks.

"I think she went on a trip with her family." Sammy shrugs.

"Oh, ok" I say.

"Hey Livvy I have exciting news!!!" Sammy squeals/

"Umm, ok" I say confused.

"its about boys" She corrected her self. I nod slowly.

"Ok, well there is this guy named Josh, on the football team, he is in our 4th period class, and my second period class." She continues. "I heard he doesn't like anyone..."

"hmm... I can change that" I smile

"Just don't make it obvious, in Mrs. Leanna's Class" She says grinning. I nod. Mrs. Leanna is our math teacher.

"ALRIGHT CLASS SEATS PLEASE!" Mr. John says over the chatting. I wave to Sammy and walk to my seat.

"Mrs. Olivia, whats that you have?" Mr. John says pointing to my Starbucks. I hold up my Starbucks, and he nods.

"Oh, easy, its what i ALWAYS get at Starbucks, its a Iced Caramel Macciato" I smile and sip it.

"Ah, ok" He says turning towards the board.

The first 3 periods go by fast. I walk into Mrs. Leanna's class, and i go and sit in my regular seat. It turns out Josh sits right next to me. Perfect. Mrs. Leanna is always late to class. I purposely drop my books off my desk when he sits down. He looks at me smiles, and picks up my books.

"Thank you" I smile.

"No problem, hi i am Josh" He said puts his hand out for me to shake.

"I am-"

"Olivia Stanford" He finishes. I nod, and smile.

"So you know of me" I smile. He shakes his head.

"It was on your book" He said pointing to my Math journal.

"Oh, well, i am the Cheer Captain, and ya" I said trailing off. He didn't seem so impressed.

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