Chapter 6

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~~~~ A/N~~~~

No more holding!!! I got ideas!! Luv chu guys :p



"Honey, wake up, you have school today" 

I open my eyes slowly, and see my mom smiling down at me. I smile back.




I bolt straight up, nearly hitting foreheads with my mom. I look at the clock, i have 2 hours until school. I sigh, "Thanks mom"  She smiles, nods, and walks out the door. I walk to my closet to pick out something to wear. I settle on a white tight dress, that lays just 5 inches above the knee, with a white knitted sweater, completed with brown gladiator sandals. I walk into the bathroom, to put on my make up which includes;

-Shimmer gold eye shadow

-little black cat-eyed, eye liner

-Black mascara

-Light pink lipstick. 


I look at the clock, i have one hour left. I grab my back pack, and phone, to head downstairs for breakfast. After i finish eating, i brush my teeth, fix my lipstick, and drive to Starbucks. I pick up my usual, Iced Caramel Macciato, and drink it on the way to school. I pull into my parking spot, and see Danny leaning on he hood of his car, waiting for me. I smile and get out of the car and walk up to him. 

"Hi" I said smiling. He smiles and pulls me by my hips closer to me. He leans down, to what i think a kiss, but instead takes a sip of my Starbucks. I gasp, and hit him on his cheek lightly.

"Yum" He smiles rubbing his cheek. I wait for him to say hi.

"Hey" He says in a deep, hot voice, which sends a shiver down my spine. "Nice dress" 

"Oh thanks" I said looking at my dress, i look at what he is wearing. A his red football jersey, loose jeans, and red high tops. I notice his pants are sagging a little. I frown.

"Pull up your pants before i pull them down" I say crossing my arms. 

"Oh will you know?" He teases. 

"Yes she will, she did it to me" Drew says walking by. I nod and smile. Danny pulls up his pants. 

"Happy?" He asks embarrassed. I kiss him on the cheek and nod. We lock hands as we walk to Mr. John's room. Everyone stares at us, and our locked hands. 

"Yes were a couple, spread it around school everyone" Danny says, clearly annoyed. Right when he finished talking, everyone started mumbling. I roll my eyes, and we walk to our seats. School goes by like a flash. I walk out talking to Kat, and Sammy. Kat leaves to go to Dallas, Sammy keeps walking with me. We are stopped by Josh.

"Hi Josh" Sammy says smiling. Blushing a little bit. Wait.... does Sammy like Josh?! 

"Hey Sam" Josh says clearly only wanting to talk to Sammy. 

"Well hi to you too" I say, as i push past him to Danny. He had a concerned face.

"Who was that?" Danny asks crossing his arms.

"Sam's boyfriend" I shrug. 

"Uh huh..." Danny says squinting because of the sun. 

"Never mind that. Want to hang out? Not at my house" I ask, more like demanding.

"Are your parents fighting again?" Danny asked sadly. I nodded slowly. 

"Aww" Danny says pulling me into his arms. 

"GET AWAY!!! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!!!" I hear Kat scream from behind us. I turn around to see Ava, blank faced, Kat with a mad face. I walk over there really fast.

"Whats going on guys?" I demand splitting them up.


"No i am not! I said HI, as i walked by!" Ava defends. 

"Kat, she isn't trying to steal your boyfriend, she has one" Dallas reassures.  Kat makes a face.

"Who?" I ask interested.

"Your brother." She says slowly. I crack up laughing, then slow to a stop when i notice she wasn't joking.

"haha...ha... you, WHAT!?!!!" I say quietly, then saying it louder.

"You said it was fine!!" Ava says back.


"Oh, well...... I can break up with him" Ava says sadly.

"No, i am trying to protect him from a broken heart. Now you have to come in and ruin it!!! I hate to see him sad!" I say storming away to my car. As i pull out, along with Danny, i see Ava's hurt face. And i felt something i haven't felt in a long time. 

I felt Bad.

I stop at a stop light and Danny pulls up next to me.

"Follow me!" He yells out his window. I nod and follow him when the light turns green.

He pulls into a dirt road, and i stop before the dirt touches my car. I frown and take off my sandals. I climb out of the car, and step carefully into his passenger side seat. He continues driving down the road, then stops. He hops out, not caring about his shoes, and walks to the passenger side, to open the door for me. He helps me out, then puts me on his back. He walks forward, and follows this stream, the woods clear out into a meadow, he puts me down as we reach a shady tree. 

"Wow, this is beautiful" I say looking at everything.

"Not as beautiful as you...." I blush, and he continues "Do you remember this place?" 

"Hmm.." I think, i turn around and see a tire swing, then it all comes back to me "WE CAME HERE AS KIDS!!!" He smiles and nods.

"I used to push you on the tire swing" He says pointing to it. I nod.

"Danny?" I say seriously.

"Ya?" He asks leaning against the tree, i lean back on him.

"Do you love me?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yes, of course" He said looking down at me.

"Prove it, scream it to the world" I say.

"I love you" He whispers to me.

"Why did you whisper?" I say confused.

"Because, you are my world" He says.

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