Chapter 4

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Coral blasted the music through the house, everyone just goes into groups of two or three. So i was just standing there awkwardly. I Danny walks up to me. 

"Does the Devil dance?" He asks.

"Um i don't know, does superman?" I ask smiling.

"I know how to, i suck, but we can try." He smiles, i shrug. We were interrupted by Ava walking over to our group. I sigh quietly, because i was looking forward to dancing with Danny. Danny smiles awkward like. 

"Um, hi your Olivia right?" She asks looking at me.

"Ya" I say crossing my arms lightly. She nods, then turns to Danny.

"And Darry?" She jokes.

"Danny" I correct, not amused. 

"Oh ok sorry" She nods, I shrug. 

"So why are you here?" I asked, with a little attitude. 

"Ya why is she here?" Kat asks silently to me as she walks to the counter. I wait for a response.

"Because, i was bored, so i wanted to see what Dally was up to." She says shyly. I nod.

"Don't call him that" Kat warns as she walks back. I shrug.  My brother walks by where we are standing, and looks at Ava again as he walks. 

"DREW!" I squeal grossed out. "I hate it when my brother checks out my friends" 

"I am your friend?" Ava asks.

"Do you want to be?" I asked. She bit her lip thinking.

"Sure, but as long as i can hang out with Drew too" She says smiling. I groan and smack my hand to my face. I nod slowly, she runs over to Drew. I look back up to Danny, who was drinking Diet Coke.

"Lemme have some" I begged. Me and Danny shared food and drinks since we were kids. He handed me some i took a small sip and handed it back. 

"Thanks" I said wiping my mouth carefully with a napkin. 

"Since no one else is going to come up on us do you want to dan-" Danny started but was interrupted by Kat stomping up to me.

"UGH!" She groans. I wait for her to tell me what happened. "Ava spilled water on my costume!!!!" 

"Hun, its water, you know where the paper towels are" I said checking her costume. 

"She better not be hanging around us a lot" Kat groans as she leaves. I nod and turn back to Danny. 

"Ok lets dance" He says fast. I laugh and nod.

After about 10 minutes of dancing, Coral puts on a slow song. I look up at Danny and blush. He smiles, he walks up closer and puts his hands on my hips, i put my hands around his neck. We dance. As we turned slowly, i saw that everyone else was slow dancing, i saw Sammy crazy dancing with Conner. I smile and laugh. I put my focus back on Danny's lite blue eyes, that have a tint of grey. A strand of his medium length, brown hair fell in his face, he blows it out of his face. He looks into my eyes. I have deep blue eyes, which goes well with Dirty blonde wavy hair. 

"Your eyes are beautiful" Danny says looking into my eyes.

"Thanks," I blush and continue "Yours are better"

"thanks" He said, he had cool mint smelling breath, and smelled like light cologne.

"Yo Danny" Dallas yells over the music. Kat stops dancing and looks at him, then says something, and Dallas immediately continues dancing with her. Danny was still looking over their. I kiss him on the cheek, which leaves a bright red lip mark. I blush and giggle as he turns back. 

"Did you just leave a mark?" Danny asks calmly. I laugh and nod. He wrinkles his his nose. I walk him to the kitchen, and wet a paper towel. I walk over to him with the towel and wipe off the evidence of the kiss. When i pull back from finishing, i noticed he was blushing. 

"Can i see that for a second?" Danny asks. 

"Umm sure" I say handing him the towel. He wipes his whole face to cool down, i was guessing. When he finished he threw the towel in the trash can. We then continue to dance, and talk. 


Coral was showing everyone the door, i dragged Danny back into the kitchen. 

"You stay here, don't leave, i am going to go change out of this." I say, once he nodded i ran upstairs. I changed into yoga pants, and a camo cropped, loose t-shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun, then run and take off my make-up. The only think that looked different, was the eye shadow, and the lip stick. I run back downstairs, to see him talking to Drew on the couch. I slow my pace and sit down next to Danny. He smiles at me.

"You still got your contacts in" He pointed out. I sigh, forgetting about my contacts, i run back upstairs and take out my day contacts and put in my night contacts, that were okay to sleep in. I run back downstairs, and practically jump on the couch. 

"There." I say out of breath. I swing my legs up and lay them over Danny's and Drew's legs. They are both used to me doing that. Coral brings us over our favorite drinks, Drew got Rootbeer, Danny and I got Diet Coke. I drank mine sip by sip but the boys chugged theirs down. Drew burped lightly, but then Danny burped really loud, then blew it in my face.

"EWWW!!!" I squirm around. Danny and Drew crack up. I playfully punch Danny in the arm.

"Excuse Me" Danny laughs.

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