Chapter 3

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Once we get to the pool I see Riley making out with the dj, Maiah making out with some guy, Amanda taking shots, and Olivia talking to some guy.

I glance at the clock: 10:30. Wow I didn't realize it was already 10:30.

"Chloe." Theo said

"Hmm?" I ask

"You're dry.

"I'm what?"


I finally caught on, " Theo I swear to god! if you through me in this-" that's all I could fit in.

"Too late!" he yelled as he picked me up and through me in the pool.

"Just remember pay backs a bitch!" I say as I hop out of the pool

I then go inside to find Shailene. I finally find her talking to Miles and Ansel.

I whisper to them, "Ok I need your help to get Theo into the pool."

Miles says, "Alright well I can call his name then you can go and push him in?"

I say, "I love it!!"

Miles, Shailene, Ansel, and I he'd outside then go our separate directions. Miles stays by the door. Shailene and Ansel head toward the dj booth. and I am hidden behind some girls.

Miles looks over at me and winks at me, that means the plan is in motion.

"Hey Theo!" he yells

Theo looks over at him and I run towards him pushing him in the pool. but somehow he ended up grabbing me along, too.

"How in the world am I always wet!?" I yell as I splash water in his face.

"I honestly don't know!" he laughed

"Well it's not fair!" I laugh

"Maybe this will make up for it."

At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but then he kissed me. I mean we made out earlier. But he was kissing me in front of people! Especially his friends!

I hear Miles say, "Well that escalated quickly."

And Shailene and Ansel laughing at what he said. But I didn't care, because I was in a world of my one.

When we finally break apart my friends practically drag me out of the pool saying things like, "omg!" or "did I just see you kiss Theo James?" or "Daaaaammmnnnn you gonna bang?" ( that was from Riley drunkest of them all)

I started to blush and I look at Theo, he is smiling. He must of liked it.

I start to walk to the kitchen for a drink with the girls hovering around me. I get my drink sit on the couch and answer their questions.

Like :

How many kids are you having??

Was that the first time he kissed me?

Have we had sex yet?

Are you just dating him cuz he's famous?

Are you even dating him?

Are you gonna bang tonight?

My answers:

What kind of question is that?!




I didn't realize Theo was behind me . He answered the last 2 questions for me : yes and hopefully.

When he said that he looked at me and smiled I smiled back.

"So is that a yes?" he asked

I pat his chest and say, "We'll see."

His eyes lit up like a kids in a candy store

"You know I haven't seen you pick up a drink once!" I say to Theo.


"Ya." I stand up and go get him a shot.

I go back to him and hand him the shot.

"Drink." I demand

"You do not want to see me drunk!" he says

"One shot won't get you drunk!"

"Ugh fine!" he takes the shot and swallows it. " I need another!"

He walks up to go get himself another shot.

Maiah and I look at each other and start to laugh. We are both thinking, "My god what have I done!"

After about 10 rounds of shots he's drunk.

He comes to me and says, " Hey hot stuff!" and starts kissing me aggressively.

"You're drunk!" I yell as I break the kiss


"You look like an idiot!" I yell then I whisper in his ear, "But don't worry I won't let you be an idiot alone!"

A smile spreads across his face as I take some shots.

After about 10 rounds of shots I'm drunk as well.

Theo and I end up dancing by the pool. Theo is a horrible dancer! I'm not saying I'm great but I'm not him! It is pretty funny to watch though.

Once I'm laughing so hard that it hurts I say, " You wanna go inside?"

"It depends. What will we be doing?"

" Oh it'll involve some of this." I say as I kiss him.

We just stand there kissing for about 5 minutes until I jump onto him. We walk inside like that, just kissing. Theo eventually finds the hallway to the bedroom. We walk in and lock the door.

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