Chapter 9

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Chloe's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon but also to the sight of being alone. I know it's Theo whose making the bacon but it's always nice to wake up next to someone.

I get up and walk to the bathroom. to see a monster in my place. So I put my hair into a messy bun. I look down to still see I'm in my clothes from yesterday.

I leave the bathroom to go to the closet. I grab one of Theos big shirts. I slip that on and grab some spanx to slip under it.

I'm now walking in the hall way towards the food. I can't help but smile, because the musk of Theo and bacon combining is amazing.

I reach the kitchen an walk over to Theo. he still doesn't notice I'm here, so I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Good morning beautiful." he says

"Good morning."

"Well breakfast is almost done."

"What are we having?"

"It's something really delicous!"

"Oh ok." I go and sit on the couch to watch modern family. "So did you end up on the floor?"

"Surprisingly no."


"Ya. So what was your nightmare about?"

I stutter at the remembrance of it, "Oh. Um. It w-was nothing."

"Chloe. Come on what was it."

"Uh I can't really remember it."

"Chloe you can tell me I won't hurt you."

I whisper "But dream Theo will."


"Oh I just asked if breakfast was done."

"Hmmm ok. Well ya it is done."

"Ok thanks."

He hands me a plate of pancakes.

I ask "Do you want to go eat outside?"


We grab our plates and walk outside.

Theo asks "Do you want to eat on a lawn chair or on the beach?"

"I don't care whatever you want."

"I say beach. Is that alright?"

"Ya that's fine."

We go and walk to the beach. we sit so only our feet get wet.

"Do you really want to know?" I say

"I would like to."

"Ok. Well I woke up before you so I went to go some breakfast. But when you came out I was pregnant like HUGE. You kept saying the baby wasn't yours but it was. you grabbed a knife, you were about to kill it. So I ran outside and appeared in an alley where other guys were going to kill it. Then you showed up, with a gun. And well as you guess you shot me."

I was crying by now.

"Baby I-I would never." he cupped my face with his hands so I would look at him, "Never do that."

"I know."


"Your dry."

"I'm what?!"



Theo picked me up bridal style

"Theo! I swear to god!! If you throw me in the water you are a dead man!"

"Well I'm a dead man." He said as he through me in the water.

I pop back up. Theos back is to me. I slowly walk up to him and jump on his back.

"What the?!" he yells

He wiggles around trying to get me off. Eventually we both fall into the water.

"Hey, paybacks a bitch." I say

Falling for himUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum