Chapter 6

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My eyes flutter open. I can see, but it's blurred. I can hear, but it's muffled. I can taste, it's not vivid. But I can't move.

I hear something like, "She will heal but it will take a while."

Then I hear Theos voice, "but will she ever wake up?"

"That I can't say."


"Sir no need to take that tone with me. Well I will be back I have another patient to check on."

I slowly (and barely) turn my head to look at the clock. 1:37 am.

I say (pretty much silently) "Theo. Will you stay?"

He brings his head up from his hands and stands up. He studies me. he's eye-bawling me up and down.

"Why are you staring at me?" I muffle

I smile springs on Theo's face. He practically runs up to me and places his lips onto mine. He just stands there kissing me for about 5 minutes.

I finally break apart. "why am I here?"

Theo chokes up and says, "Well I'll explain the WHOLE thing to you." he pulls a chair right next to me, "So I went to go grab you at the ice cream shop, but you weren't there. But then I see this beautiful girl long boarding. you wanna know how i knew she was beautiful?"

I nod.

He continues, "It was you. So I start to drive up to you. But you kept riding faster until your wheel tripped on a rock. you went flying, you fell into a pile of broken glass." he paused, he was about to cry "So I quickly grabbed you, put you in the car, and drive you to the hospital." he paused again "That was a 46 days ago."

I don't know what to say. all of a sudden a laugh jumps out of me.

Theo smiled "What's so funny?"

"Why me? Why did I fall in that glass. Why did you save me?" I pause, I'm starting to sniffle "Why did you choose me?"

"What do you mean?"

By now bawling "What I mean is, that you're THEO FUCKING JAMES for gods sake! You could have any girl you wanted! So why me? you had the perfect chance to leave me, too! Why did you stay?! You aren't even fucking boyfriend"

All Theo says is, "Yet."


"Chloe Jessica Parker, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smirk "Mr. James it would be my honor!"

"Well goodnight princess." he says as he kisses my forehead.

I smile "Goodnight sexy."


"Good morning." I muffle

"You don't know how happy it makes me to hear your voice!"


"Do you not realize that you've been in 46 days and I haven't left the hospital in 46 days! Just hoping you'd wake up?"

"No I didn't." there's silence for minutes until I say "can I have food?"

"I'll go ask the doctor if your ready."

He walks out.

He walks back in, in a matter of minutes with a tray of food.

"Here you go." he says while setting the tray on my lap "You can have some cream of wheat and some milk."

"Thank you." I start to eat "how many stitches did I get?"

"How did you know you got stitches?"

"I fell into glass."

"Oh. You had to get 23 stitches."

"Oh I can't even feel them. Where are they?"

"Mostly your stomach. A few on your legs and arms. Zero on your face."

"Good! I wouldn't want them to mess up this pure beauty!" I say while hand modeling my face.

"I would still love you."


"Because your beautiful."

"Thanks. and let me say that you are also quite sexy!"

He walks over to me and kisses me.

I hear the door open. And Theo breaks apart.

"Sorry to interrupt but Ms. Parker you are free to go home." the doctor says

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