Chapter 35

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I'm awoken by Theo shaking my shoulders.

"Come on we landed let's go." he says

"Ok." I lean in for a kiss but he pulls back

I give him a confused look.

"We have to go."

I nod. We put on our hoodies and walk off the plane.

We walk off to see a crowd of screaming fans. we hurry to find our chauffeur outside.

"Hi Charles."

"Hello." he grabs our luggage and puts it in the trunk.

Theo and I get in the limo.

It's silent for awhile so I make the courageous decision to say "I-I have something to tell you."

"What is it."

"I tell you later." I then mumble so he hopefully can't hear me "It's not something you say in a limo."


Theos POV

Chloe tells me she has to tell me something. And then she mumbled something like 'Its not something you say in a limo"

I wonder what she going to tell me. Did she cheat on me? Does she want to break up? What is it?

She falls asleep on my shoulder as I ponder these things in my mind.

It's only a 15 minute drive from the airport. So I wake her up when we are in her driveway.

"Hey we are here."


We get out of the car and Chloe gets her suitcase out of the trunk. I reach for mine but her hand pushes my hand away. I look at her confused and I see her eyes are glassy.

She then walks up to Charles' window and says "Keep the car running."

She then walks right past me and goes to her porch. She just plops down with her head in her hands. I walk over to her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. She just walks away, but I grab her wrist "Chloe what's wrong?"

"I'm. I'm."

"Your what?!" I'm getting angry and worried

"I'm pregnant."


"I didn't take birth control last night and I'm pretty sure you didn't wear a condom."

She starts to cry but I just stand there all stiff.

"What are thinking?" she finally asks me

I don't answer


I still don't answer

She grabs my arm "Theo! Please answer me! I'm begging you."

"I'm gonna need time." I pull out if her grasp and walk to the limo without looking back at her.

When I get in I tell Charles "back to the airport please."

As we are driving away I look back to see Chloe still on her porch step crying.


"Hi there what can I do for you?" the flight lady asks

"One first class ticket to London, England. I don't know for how long yet so just a one way for now."

"What time."

"Earliest flight."

"Oh the are boarding now." she hands me my ticket then says "Have a safe flight."

I get on my flight and text my mom:

I'm coming home for a couple weeks


That's great! for how long?


At least a couple weeks


Are you bringing Chloe


No not this time mom


Oh what a shame I can't wait to meet her though


Alright I have to go they are telling me to turn off my phone.


Your already on the plane?


Yes mom good bye mom

I turn my phone off without even thinking to text Chloe.

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