Chapter 19

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Thanks to @olivialecupcakequeen , @TheoJamesOwl. For the idea! I am using it in this chapter!

I wake up in Theos arms. I try to wiggle out of his arms without waking him. But his grip is way to strong, and he's sleeping! I try to squeeze out again.

"Your not getting out that easy." he mumbles

"Your awake!?"

"I have been."

"Oh. What time is it?"

"8:00 why?"

I jump out if his arms "Oh my god we need to go!"


"We have reservations for us at the day spa."

"Ughhhh I just want to stay right here."

"I know but we have to go!"

I hop out and put on my yoga pants and tank top. I walk to the bathroom and put on light make up, and put my hair in a side braid.

When I walk back into our room I see Theo dressed and ready. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"See was that so hard?" I whisper to his ear.

We lock hands and start to walk to the day spa.


"Hello how are you today."the receptionist asks, while looking at Theo

"I'm fine how are you?" I reply.

"Grand. Do you have an appointment?"

"Oh yes it's the 8:30 for Chloe."

"Oh here it is right here. You guys can go right in that door." She points to a door on her left. As we are walking I notice the receptionist wink at Theo.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Hmmmm? Yeah. Why?"



"Don't lie to me. I can tell there's something up. You're all stiffened up."

"It's nothing! God Chloe sometimes you just need to stay out of people's business!"

By now I'm starting to cry. I yell back at him "I'm just trying to help you!"

"Every think that I don't need your help?!"

"God Theo, fine I'll just leave you alone forever! Will that make you happy? All I ever try to do is make you happy! Even when I hate you!" With that I storm out of the room.

"Wait Chloe." he sounds sincere but I can tell he isn't

Before I walk out of the room I say "Fuck you Theo."

Theos POV

When I saw the receptionist I knew that I knew her from somewhere. I knew she knew me too.

I tried to ignore her but she kept staring at me. So I just stare at my shoes, I hope Chloe doesn't notice.

"Oh here it is right here. You guys can go right in that door."

While we are walking I see her wink at me. When we get into the room Chloe asks me"Are you alright?"

"Hmmmm? Yeah. Why?" I say



"Don't lie to me. I can tell there's something up. You're all stiffened up."

"It's nothing! God Chloe sometimes you just need to stay out of people's business!"

By now she's starting to cry. She yell back at me "I'm just trying to help you!"

"Every think that I don't need your help?!"

"God Theo, fine I'll just leave you alone forever! Will that make you happy? All I ever try to do is make you happy! Even when I hate you!" With that I storm out of the room.

"Wait Chloe." I plead

Before she walks out of the room she says "Fuck you Theo."

When I hear the door shut I think to myself Dear lord what have I done? I should've just told her that was Bridgette. She wouldn't have been mad, she would've understood.

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