Chapter 5

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I finally break apart from the kiss and say, " I should go get dressed. I am only in my- your shirt."

"Alright I should go home and get my clothes."

"No wait! For me anyways."

"Alright but why?"

"I'll explain in a minute."

Theo and I walk to my room. He goes and sits on my bed. I walk into my closet.

I then come out wearing my high waisted shorts with a white crop top and my vans. I also grab Theo some of my dad's old sweatpants and white tshirt.

I toss him the clothes, "Here you can wear these until we get to your house."

"Oh ya thanks." I guess he forgot he was only in boxers.

I walk into the bathroom. I put my brown hair into a bun, and put on some makeup and spray my true religion perfume on.

I walk out and Theo says, "Goddamn you look hot!"

"Thanks. You don't look so bad either." I say as I walk over to him.

I give him a hug and he kisses my forehead.

"Let's go." I say


We start to walk down stairs with our hands locked together.

Once we get down stairs everyone is one the couch.

"Where's Zoe?" I ask

"Thank god we thought you guys were gonna be in there forever!" Miles says

"Well we are right here. But where's Zoe?" I repeat

"Oh well she left after you and Theo went up stairs. She was pretty upset. she was just in the corner bawling her eyes out." Riley explains

"Oh well we will be back."

"Where are you going?" Maiah asks

"Oh nowhere." I say

"Mhmm" Amanda says sarcastically

"Oh shut up!" I laugh, I look around, "Where is Olivia and Ansel?"

"Oh Olivia and Ansel went to her place." Shailene says

"Hmm well we better get going." Theo says

I grab my purse and we start to walk out.

Right as we are walking out Miles yells, "Be safe! Oh and use protection!"

I'm about to shut the door but I stick me hand in to flip Miles off. after I shut the door I hear laughter

We get into his car and start to drive off.

"So why did you want to come with me?"

"I'm letting you know now I might sound like a bitch. I didn't want to stay with her. I mean she's beautiful! with that wavy long blonde hair. And her bright blue eyes filled with tears?! I just couldn't take it I was about to laugh my ass off because she was crying over some douche when she's beautiful!"

"Ok did sound like a bitch."

I hit his arm. "shut up!"

We drive past an ice cream shop. "Yes! drop me off here please!" I say

"Why? Because I called you a bitch?"

"What? Oh no. I'm starving and ice creams right there!"

"Oh ok." he pulls over

"Thanks!" I say as I plant a kiss on his cheek.

I wait outside and watch Theo pull away. I kinda wanted him to stay but he has to go get ready. Plus he probably doesn't want to be seen with me.

I finally walk inside, "Hi what can I get you?" the tall guy asked

"Um... I'll have the vanilla with sprinkles."

"Okay anything else?"


"Alright that will be on the house."


"It's on the house."


"Well it's not everyday that a beautiful girl walks in."

I'm blushing, "Thanks." I put $5 in the empty tips, "Here at least let me give you a tip."

"I'll except that. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?"

"Yeah I'm sorry I have a party to go to."

"Oh ok." He wrote something down, "Here's my number text me."

"Ok thanks."

He hands me my ice cream and I walk out.

I'm right by Olivia's apartment (in the ghetto) so I text her, "hey can I come over and grab my long board?"

"Ya lucky for you I just got home"

"K thanks I'll be right over."

I grab my ice cream and start to walk to her apartment. it's only a few blocks away.

I start to wonder why Theo was driving through the ghetto. I mean he probably doesn't even live close to here. Did he want me to get off?

Before I know it I'm at her apartment building. I walk up the few flights of stairs, until I reach her apartment on the 3rd level.

Once I'm at her door, I'm about to knock but then I realize I have a key.

I walk in to Ansel and Olivia making out in the living room. I cough out loud so they can hear me.

"Oh hey Chloe what are you doing here?" Ansel asks

"I'm here to grab my longboard."

"Oh it's right over here." Olivia says while walking away.

She comes back with a long board in her hands, "here you go."


"Where are you riding?" Ansel asks

"I dunno. I love the ghetto! so probably just around."

"Oh cool." he responds

"Well I better go." As I'm walking out the door I quickly yell," Use protection!"


I'm riding down through the ghetto when I notice a nice car following me. It looks familiar but what would a nice car be doing in the ghetto?

I ride faster and faster, until I fall.

I don't know what I fall on but it's hard and sharp because all of a sudden a scream springs from out of me. after that everything goes black.

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