Chapter 27

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"I just don't know what to do!" I cry out

"Maybe he wanted the right setting." Ansel says

"Part if me wants to forgive him but I've given him to many chances!" I yell

"Hey Chloe might wanna be a little quieter we are out in public." Zoe says

"Oh ya! You try getting your heart broken by the most amazing person ever!"

"Oh I have! Luke cheated on me!" Zoe yells

"What?" Ansel and I say

"Ya. His phone got a text and I saw the message was from some girl saying she can't wait for tonight."

"Well how do you know he is cheating?" I ask

"He admitted it!" Zoe starts to cry

"I'm so sorry it's not far to be cheated on twice in a row. I would NEVER do that." Ansel says

"Thanks, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Zoe says

"I know." Ansel says

"You guys wanna go ride some rides?" I ask

"Ya." they both say.

We head to the roadrunner. Luckily we are able to get to the front of the line because of Ansel and Zoe.

I had to sit all by myself in the second row. Because Zoe and Ansel decided to be best buddies and take the 1st row.

The whole time I just had to listen to screams of joy, I couldn't even enjoy myself. I don't know if it was because Theo or Ansel and Zoe.

When that ride was over I decided to go all by myself. I didn't feel like being the third wheel with Ansel and Zoe going to play carnival games. So I'm just riding the rides.

I'm in so upset that I can't even notice the hot boys all around me. And they're actually looking at me! This time if isn't because of my dad or sister. It's about me! I can't believe I'm pretty enough that boys to look at me!

I was always insecure until I met Theo. He always made me feel special. No Chloe! Stop thinking about him!!

I walk over to this ride called the pirate ship. It looks really cool! It's one of those pirate ship rides where it rocks forward an backwards really high up.

I walk up to the front for the first time in forever. The whole ride I was ecstatic, and screaming with joy.

I guess I got " sea sick " from that ride because as I'm getting if the pirate ship I trip off the steps into arms.

"Funny, didn't we meet like this?"

Sorry for the short chapter! but I'll be updating again either tonight or tomorrow morning!

Love you all!

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