Chapter 28

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I look up to see who caught me, but I know those deep brown eyes all to well "Theo leave me alone."

"I can't."

"Why not? It's pretty easy!"

"No it's not Chloe!"

"Yes it is! Why don't you just go to some strip club and then get drunk. And go sweep some lucky girl off of her feet!"

"I want that lucky girl to be you."

"I'm not a stripper."

He laughs "See that's why I love you! You make me laugh even in the worst moments!"

"Theo just leave me alone!"

"If I do then you'll end up going home with one of these douche bags that keep staring at you!"

"Their not staring at me. I'm not that pretty."

"Your right Chloe."

"Excuse me."

"Your not that pretty."

I slap him

He then says "Owwww! What I was going to say is your BEAUTIFUL!"

"Theo just leave me alone!" I say as I'm walking away

He grabs my wrist "Chloe wait!"

I look at my wrist "Well I kinda have to now."

He laughs "See! You always brighten a bad situation."

"I need to go the line at dippin dots is no line!"

Ha laughs again and for the first time today I smile.

"I see you smiling!" he says

I quickly quit smiling.

"Let me go people are getting inline!" I say as I'm trying to drag away

"At least let me pay for it."

"I'm fine." I pat my purse "Rich remember."

He points to himself "Famous remember."

"Speaking of that. Why aren't girls gushing over you right now."

"I have no idea."

"Well Ansel and Zoe are here."

"Oh and all of a sudden there more famous then me!"

"I guess so."

He looks around then shouts "Fuck you Zoe and Ansel!"

Everyone looks at him and stares at us.

I start to laugh "Theo. You have to be quiet!"

"Hey I made you laugh!"

"Well great now the line is huge!" I say as I point to the dippin dots line.

"It's just food."


"Well it is!"


"Chloe now you need to be quiet."

"Well sorry that you said food is just food!"

"What is it then?"

"My life!!"

"No it's food!"

"Ugh Theo your not helping yourself right now!"

"Oh was I doing well?"

"You were doing fabulous!"

"Will this help."

Oh no I know what he's going to do.

He leans in and presses his lips onto mine. Our lips move to the beat of each other, in sync. We are the missing puzzle pieces of each other.

We stand there for ages just kissing in the middle of the adventure dome.

When we finally break apart I tell him "Why do we always get back together like right after we fight?"

"I don't even know. But I'm thankful for it."

"Me too." I stand on my tip toes and kiss him

"Hey Chloe what's that?" he points to some duck game.

"It's a game wanna go play?" I ask

"Love too."

We lock hands as we walk to the game.

"Hi there how many of you are playing." the game administrator says

"Just her." Theo says

"Ok." the guy then winks at Theo, then hands me a fishing pole "Ok so you want to catch a duck, and red us minor prize, blue is medium prize, and green is large prize."

"Ok thanks." I grab the fishing pole.

"Hmmmm I kinda want a medium prize they look kinda cute." I say

Theos face gets worried "What? Why? The large ones look cool."

"I guess."

I put the fishing pole in an immediately get a duck.

The game guy grabs the duck "Oh look you got the large prize! Congrats!"

The guy reaches in his pocket and hands me a...

Sorry for the cliffhanger! Can you guess what it is??

Love you all!

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