Chapter 4

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I wake up on Theos bare chest. I look under the covers and I'm NAKED (so is Theo)!! I must moved or something because Theo wakes up and yawns.

"Morning beautiful!" he says

"God did we have sex?!" I ask as I'm rubbing my head from being hungover

"Ya the best I've ever had actually!"

"Really?! I guess I'm just that good!"

"Well obviously!"

"Well you want to go see how many people are passed out with me?"

"Love to! Can I bring a marker?"


We tip-toe down the hallway. I just about trip over someone but Theo grabbed my waist and caught me. I smile at him to say thank you. I then look down to see it was Miles. I grab the marker from Theo and write on one cheek CHLOE and on the other WAZ HERE. I then draw a mustache and glasses. we then walk over to Ansel and theo writes on one cheek IM IN LOVE, and one the other WITH THEO and draw hearts on his eyelids. We are trying to find Shailene but then we here the door swing open. we turn to see Shailene.

"Oh hey love birds." She practically yells

"Owwww!" Theo and I moan

"Oh sorry are you hungover?" She says sarcastically with a pouty lip.

"Yes. Now shut up and come over here!" I say to her

"Geez hungover and grumpy!" she says as she walks over her

Once she gets here I hug her and hand her the marker.

"What's this for?"

"To draw on people!" I say

"Alright." she walks over to Amanda

She draws a wedding ring, a unibrow, and piercings everyewhere!

"Nice!" Theo exclaims

Olivia gets a black eye, Maiah gets a beard, and we can't seem to find Riley. So I walk upstairs and in one of the bedrooms I see Riley asleep on the the djs (Devin) chest naked!!!

I walk back downstairs and say, "Well I found her."

"Where?" Shailene asks

"On Devins chest."

"Who's Devin?" Theo asks

"The dj." I say

"Oh ya she's the one who was licking his abs!" Shailene yells

"God did you even drink last night?!" I yell

"Nope!" she says

"Shai! Live a little!" I yell

"You never know I may just go crazy tonight and end up in some guys apartment!"

Theo laughs, "you and I both know would never do that!"

"Psh whatever!" she exclaims.

After that everyone starts to wake up. I look at the clock 9:45.

By 10 everyone is awake (except Riley and Devin). and everyone left except Miles, Ansel, Olivia, Amanda, Maiah, and Shailene. They all run to the bathroom to puke. So we run outside as we start to hear them yelling for us. we decide to run to the first place we kissed and hide tbehind on of the pillars.

My backs against the pillar and I say, " do you think we lost them?"

Theo looks and says, "yeah definitely."

He then looks into my blue eyes, I look into his brown eyes. he leans in for a kiss, but I swoop away. he tries again, but I still swoop away.

"What kind of motives do you have?" he says

"You'll see." I say as I'm running off to the ocean.

Once my feet touch the water, I feel hands wrap around my waist. I scream as we are both falling into the water.

I look down at what I am wearing and say, " well thank god I'm only wearing one of your tshirts!"

"How does that make me feel?!" He laughs, " hey I'm only in my boxers!"

He starts to get up but I pull him back down. I've never kissed underwater but I figured now is my chance. I cup my hands around his face, and our lips meet.

It feels amazing. But I finally need air so I try to break the kiss apart. As I'm trying to break it apart Theo grabs me back. he lifts me up my legs in one arm and my back in the other (wedding

He starts to walk to the beach house while carrying me (and kissing me).

I start to hear "Hey lovers? over here!"

I break apart from Theo to see who it was. I look to see my big sister Zoe.

All if a sudden I'm running, I right rift to her and wrap my arms around her.

"Omg!!! what are you doing here?"

"Well I'm in town for a concert and I figured I'd spend time with you until the concert!"

"Um... is there still tickets?"


"Well I it the message that you were having a concert but I didn't buy any because I was, um... partying."

"Oh ok." she pauses, "If there was a party that means Devins here! well passed out somewhere!"

She starts to run towards the beach house. But I stay where I am, lifeless.

Theo must've noticed because he said, "what's wrong?"

"I totally forgot Devin and Zoe are well most likely were dating! and I was the only one who knew!" I yell as I'm running toward the beach house

He obviously got the message because he try's to catch up to me. But I'm already inside, staring at Devin and Riley making out in the hallway, and Zoe just staring at them with hatred.

Something goes off inside of her because she automatically jumps on Devin trying to rip the flesh off the bone she's really gripping on because it takes Theo and I both to pull her off

Once we get her off she's in tears and screams, "What the FUCK is wrong with you?! I leave for one fucking month! And I bet you are out with every fucking girl in town!"

All Devin does is stare.

"You were dating Zoe?!" Riley yells then looks at Zoe , "I am soooo sorry I had no idea!"

Riley slaps Devin and Zoe punches him.

"I think you should go!" Miles barks

"Ya! Get out of here!" Ansel yells

Theo then pushes him out the door.

I walk over to corner where Zoe is crying. I try to comfort her but she pushes me away.

So I go walk to Theo, " Thank you!"

"For what?" he asks

"For everything." I say as I go on my tippy toes to kiss him

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