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"Keito? Keitoooo?" A voice can be heard.

"Haru, help me waking up Keito"

"Keito, Mackerel is mad at you for sleeping" Another voice said

"That's not a wake up call!!"

I slowly opened my eyes, only meeting blue and green ones. I yawned and fixed my hair.

"Keito, you fell asleep again" Makoto said as he gave me a worried look.

Ah, it's been a year now since I've left Australia. After finding schools, I went to Iwatobi High School and ever since, I've been hanging with Makoto and Haru since we were classmates since last year. Now we're 2nd years.

"Sorry Makoto, Haruka---"

"Haru" The water lover said as he looks down at me.

"Haru.." I corrected myself " I just got bored" I let out a weak laugh.

The two boys gave me a worried smile as I stand up and get my things.

I never expected that I would be classmates with Rins childhood friends and surprisingly we got along over the year.

They know I that knew Rin but I didn't tell them what happen to him. Telling them about what happened to Rin just gonna make things complicated. I just told them he's been training a lot in Australia, which is true anyways.

"Well, let's get going?" Makoto asked with his sweet smile of his.

Both me and Haru nodded as I get my bag and walked home with them. Since we all lived the same neighborhood.

As we walked home, we always pass through the seashore near it. It was a very pleasing sight, especially for Haru.

"Keito" Haru started.

"Kei" it was my turn to correct him.

He nodded "Kei, have you and Rin close? I just want to ask.."

I looked straight as I can, my hands start to clench.

"You can say that..." I said, my tone getting lower as I say each word. "We were in the same swim team anyways"

Haru became quiet for a second then continued talking "I see"


"M-Maa!" Makoto pinched in "Rin is probably reaching his dream right now!Right Haru?"

Knowing him he's trying to break this sad atmosphere. I smiled at him at his statement.

"Yeah, he is. Although in a way you guy's probably didn't expect" I thought

"Why didn't you guys start a swim club though? I thought you guys are into swimming?"

Once I accompanied Makoto on getting Haru from his house and ended up seeing him still in his bath tub. By then, Makoto explained to me that they used to be a swimming team but ended up not telling why they aren't making a swimming team.

"Uhh.. well..." Makoto said as he looks at Haru then to me again.

"We should've told you this earlier but it's just Haru isn't into competitive swimming anymore"

I raise my brow.

"Why's that?"

We walked in silence, leaving me hanging. The Haru spoke up.

"I just love to feel the water" He stated

I softly laughed at his statement. Typical Haru, he's just into water-sama.

Makoto let out a soft chuckle as we reached a long stairway to our houses. I let out an exaggerated sighed.

"Makotooo carry me to my house" I joked.

We walked and went to our separate ways as we reached the middle. Haru will walk up, Makoto will go to the right while I go to the left.

"Well, oyasumi " I said as I waved my hand.

"Jaa" Haru said as he walk straight to his home.

"See you tomorrow" Makoto bid as he wave his hand, going to his home.

I walked to my place alone and opened the door. Mom greeted me with her usual smile and Dad sitting in the sofa. I smiled at them.

"Tadaima" I said as I walk in.

"Ah, Keito! How was school?" Mom asked as she wipes her hands. "How's Mako-kun and Haru-kun?"

"They're fine, Haru being a attracted to water as always and Makoto is as nice as ever" I said.

This made Dad laugh. He really digs Haru being a water addict.

"Keito, dinner will be ready soon okay?" Mom informed as she makes herself busy in the kitchen.

I nodded and went up to my room, setting my bag at my study table and changing into a pair of shorts and a t shirt. I look myself in the mirror.

Not to brag but I did change a lot. My black hair became longer and my eyes as red as before. When I do look closely and keep a stoic look, I do look like Haru in some way. Just like what Rin said.


I do sometimes wonder what is he doing right now, at this moment. Even though I'm pretty pissed at him until now a small part of me stays worried and still thinking how to get Rin back.

"I'm not in Australia anymore" I told myself "You've left those feelings there Kei. Stop"

I shook my head and continue to look at my reflection.

"Forget about it Kei" I say in a low tone English.

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