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I couldn't sleep, the aftermath, the nightmare—it was overwhelming. Not to mention I almost burned the entire house down. My steps were soundless as I escaped to the roof.

I wanted to look up but I still couldn't. I couldn't stare at the sky without seeing a storm of ash. Since I couldn't look up, I closed my eyes, imagining the stars until they faded with the moonlight. Until I felt the first ray of dawn.

Right, practice—with Cassian. I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding and headed back to my room. Hopefully I could find something else to wear besides this. Though I'm sure he would enjoy it. My hands smoothed out the sheer night gown, the panels of lace down my sides didn't itch as much as before. In fact, this one grew on me.

The emerald bedroom had been fixed and by that, I mean someone waved their hand, producing the room as it was before all the damage I had done. Thankfully, I didn't need to face who saw the wreckage. A pair of cedar-colored boots sat in front of my door, a note with my name in near perfect cursive.


Defeat will hurt less with these.

Forever deliciously handsome,


I clutched the note in my fist. That idiotic prick, I thought while opening the door to my room and swiftly closing it behind me. At first, I didn't want to try on the boots, I wanted to attend our lesson barefoot just to see his smirk fall when he looked at my feet. However, after several minutes of deliberating my best come back, I had to know what they felt like.

Shaking my head, I opened the door and stared at them. The boots were beautiful to say the least. It was the finest leather I had ever seen--touched; intricate flowers and leaves were embossed as a trim. On the tongue of the boot, there was a golden stamp in the shape of an "I". Sturdy chestnut leather chords laced up to the top, falling just below my knee.

They were comfy too, perfectly forming to the arches of my feet. My tongue clicked against the top of my mouth as I stared down at the new boots, the prick has good taste after all.

I unlaced them, realizing I needed pants to train. I had only worn pants once before, during the war and surprisingly, they were becoming a favorite of mine. The intricately carved dresser contained several pairs, mostly ranging from beige to fawn—I chose the darkest brown available. I pulled on a slim fitting cream tunic that had golden stars on the collar, and finally, I laced up the gorgeous rose embossed boots.

"By the Cauldron, she's alive!" Cassian sung, his wings fluttering around him in taunting welcome. He waited in the far corner of the townhouse roof, his tunic removed, revealing the Illyrian tattoos across his muscles.

I sized him up with my hands crossed in front of me, covering my aching heart, "defeat? Really?" His raven hair was pulled back into a low bun, several loose strands framing the sides of his face.

Cassian's eyes lit up as he stared at my feet, "like the boots? Specially made."

"A thoughtful gift? From you? I thought your ego was far too large to fit a brain in the same body, let alone a heart." I stated, lifting my chin towards him.

"You're late." He commented as he drew closer to me. Cassian's coal-black leather boots, barely made a sound as he crossed the roof.

Inches away from him and I could feel my heart reach towards him, battling my bones and muscles just to touch him. "You're early," I replied, knitting my brows together before looking away.

Cassian's jaw-dropping grin lit up the sky, "let's train, picking up where we left off. Unless you've forgotten already?" He winked as he tilted his head towards me.

A Court of Magnolias and AshDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora