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The Night Court forest was vast, pines for hundreds of miles. It was one of our greatest defenses. Even with a compass or magic, foreigners would still lose their sense of direction. But now, standing here, it was haunting me. These woods that I grew up in, that I loved—were tainted by the screams of Nesta.

I released myself from my brothers, stepping forward with great effort. I bit down on my chapped lips; trapping the cry that threatened to escape.

I had been through worse, I reminded myself. Split open on one battlefield only to be torn apart on another, but I made it. Each time, I had fought through the hurdles; blood stained and dripping with sweat but victorious nonetheless.

Scanning over everything, from the surrounding pines to the ancient boulders, I was unsure of where to focus first.

Breathe...Rhys pushed into my mind.

I looked over my shoulder, giving him a short nod as I inhaled. It felt like an arrow to my chest as her scent barreled through me.

Nesta, Nesta, Nesta...

The whispers creeped in; haunting reverberations grew louder as I searched for clues to her disappearance.

I did a double take, my stomach spinning as I saw her. She had sunk to her knees, a tear streaming down her cheek. It was the same hopeless expression she had made on the battlefield not too long ago. I stepped forward, arms outstretched...but she was gone.

Stars dimly lit the forest floor, her pack still on the ground several feet away. Every step was an effort, a brutal and bloody battle in itself. As my brothers charged forward, I held out my hand to stop them.

I can't risk your health any further, Rhys clawed at my rising mental shields.

I released my held breath, the movement felt like the bones in my wings had snapped again. Shit.

Nesta, Nesta, Nesta...

I shook my head, ridding my ears of her name. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pushed the image of her out of my mind. I needed to focus on finding her, on getting her back.

Cassian, Rhys uttered. An obsidian talon tapped against my shield, this wasn't your fault.

It didn't matter what he said, not when all I could hear were her repeated screams. Echoes of her desperation, her cries. They flooded into me, cracking into my skull like a dull battle ax.

I should have been there—here. One step forward and another and another, until I reached her belongings.

Kneeling on my left knee, my bandaged hands clasped onto her leather satchel, "you didn't take them?" I gripped tighter, feeling them shake with adrenaline. As I breathed in her intoxicating scent, my palms steadied with strength. 

Az brushed his hand through his black hair, a nervous habit, "we received word that you were waking up."

I inhaled the frosty air; her scent suffocating me. A blade slicing me in two as I swallowed the lump in my throat. I looked upwards, glaring at the stars that were supposed to protect her—the dazzling eyes that see all, but do nothing. I wobbled forward, nearly collapsing if it weren't for their quick reflexes.

Rhys and Az remained quiet, pulling me up to my feet. I could smell the escalating fear, the overpowering scent that boiled my blood. It was a common smell during war. Fear would seep out of your pores, enemies smelling you before you even neared the field of battle.

A Court of Magnolias and AshTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang