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"Nesta," I choked as I struggled to open my eyelids—to stretch my battered wings. I sucked in a sharp breath, her screams echoing through the hallway.

I winced from the searing pain that enveloped my entire body. Sweat dripped down my furrowed brows, stinging my eyes—my body was drenched. I stood up too quickly, the room spun briefly before I had my balance under control.

The pads of my bare feet slammed into the cold floor as I rushed to the door. "Shit," I muttered, collapsing to my knees. Wood and bones, snapping against one another.

Again, I rose too swiftly, lifting a calloused hand to the doorknob. Bile ascended in my esophagus. I was going to vomit from the unbearable throbs of agony. But she needs me, I can hear her.

Twisting the knob, I flung the door open. Of course, I was at the far end of the hallway. What once was a short walk looked like the entire length of Prythian.

First step, I nearly crumbled to me knees again.


Nesta's screaming haunted me. A heartstring snapping as I took my second step. I gritted my teeth, attempting to ignore the pins and needles that attacked my system.


I fell into the wall, "gods-damn it," I grunted. My shaking hands slid along it, keeping me steady with each step. I will fucking crawl to her if that's what it comes to.


My entire body quaked with fury and frustration. Faster, faster. I didn't bother using the knob or knocking. With a single bang, the door broke off its hinges.

"Nesta," I begged, scanning her dark room save for one candle.

The bed was empty, untouched.


I couldn't hear anything over my thunderous pulse. "Nesta??" I called to her, frantic—desperation choking me. 

Maybe she was bathing, caught in a memory and unable to speak. The wet strands of my hair whipped across my face as I stormed towards the bathroom, towards Nesta. The door ripped off its frame like paper out of a book.


I gripped the door frame, inhaling her scent. It was off, there was something else—someone else? I couldn't think straight while the panic settled in. Closing my eyes, I listened. For her hollow heartbeat, her shallow breathing—she wasn't here.


Where was she? My eyes darted around the room, clues—I needed clues. Where was she?

My trembling legs moved towards the window, gut sinking as I held my breath. Sweaty palms, quivering fingers wrapped around the carved gryphon her father had made.

"No..." My voice was replaced with a cry of otherworldly savagery. Scarred knuckles turned white; the carved figurine groaning as I tightened my grip.

I ran without thinking. She was gone. No...not gone, just missing. The roof. She was probably on the roof. I ran, through excruciating throbs of pain, that glimmer of hope carried me as I barreled down the hallway.

Wobbly knees gave way halfway up the stairs. "Fuck!" I yelled, my heavy wings falling over me. Crimson seeped out of the nearly healed wounds—torn again from the slightest movement.

Flashes of the battlefield, of the victims and enemies splitting open from steel and magic. I couldn't stand the thought of losing her too.

A firm hand landed on my shoulder, pulling me back with an iron grip. "Cassian!" Rhys yelled, attempting to break through my tunnel vision.

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