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The sun did not rise, the moon did not set. I stared out the window letting all color drain from this world. He feared me, I could see it in those beautiful pools of hazel. He feared me, but not as much as I fear myself. The monster I've become. I burned him. I marked him.

I ignored several knocks, unsure of who was on the other side of the door. My sisters, maybe? It didn't matter, I wouldn't answer. More knocks, but I didn't care.

Faintly I heard their voices, their pleas. Drowning, it was like a wall of water blocking them out. I was drained from last night, tired from lack of sleep but too scared to close my eyes. Who else would I hurt? Who was next?

"Nesta," he pounded on the door, his voice breaking through the thunder clouds that stained my mind.

I ignored him.

Cassian huffed, "Nesta...let me in. It's been two days and you haven't eaten."

Two days? I haven't slept for two days?

Another knock on the door, "C'mon Nes...let me in."

I dropped my head into my fragile palms, "go away, Cassian."

"Nes..." He murmured, scratching at the door with his thumbnail.

"Please. Go. Away." My hushed voice cracked at the end. Burning tears leaked out of me, "please," I could only whisper. Quickly I wiped away the fiery tears, retreating within myself like I had for the others.

The door crashed open, splintering into pieces as Cassian stormed into the room. A large metal tray balanced on one hand, filled with delicious looking cakes and scones. Desserts from foreign lands and fruit that looked like dragon eggs. My growling stomach gave me away. Damn, him.

"Must you always kick my door in? I asked you to go away," I jutted my chin outwards. I braced myself against the window frame, feeling nauseous from the lack of food in my system.

"I don't care," he declared, setting the tray on the leaf patterned bed spread. "Eat." Cassian pointed to the platter, his hands completely healed. His forehead creased as his scowl grew.

Straightening my spine, I shot back, "leave me."

Although he was healed, I could still see the melted flesh from before. Bile rose to the back of my throat as I shuddered.

"Eat," he ordered, his demanding eyes darkened as he watched every move.

I clenched my jaw before clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "Who made this?" I sniffed displaying a displeasing face as if it were poison. When really, it smelled absolutely delectable. I eased closer, mouthwatering instantly.

Cassian's tone didn't soften, nor did his facial expression of angst. "It doesn't matter. Eat, Nes." His muscular arms crossed against his rust colored tunic. Raven leather cords fell down his chest, unveiling a portion of his tattooed collarbone. The hazel traps for eyes caught mine, "unless you have another appetite that needs feeding first," his bewitching voice suggested. Cassian's left brow rose, as he licked his lower lip. A growing smirk made my knees weak momentarily.

I moved away from the bed, invading the space between us. "Stop calling me Nes," I snapped, shoving him backwards into the emerald wall.

He let out a soft grunt as his back slammed into it, an inkling of a smile rising on his lips. "You cruel beautiful creature," he taunted, running his fingers through that luscious dark hair. The corners of his lips edging upwards.

"Don't call me that," I growled alongside my stomach. The dragon egg fruit, I would start with that one. I turned my back to him, scanning the items on the tray once again.

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